Twelve-hour health preservation method of traditional Chinese medicine, conform to nature, get twice the result with half the effort

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Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the circulation of qi and blood in the human body has a timing, and the twelve meridians correspond to the twelve o’clock. The time has its ups and downs.

Twelve o’clock health care

Since the Han Dynasty, the ancients have taken one for each hour. Beautiful names, midnight, cock cring, Pingdan… read the articulate fragrantly.

Chicken crowing—1:00-3:00 in ugly time

When the rooster crows, the sky turns from dark to bright, everything turns from dim to clear, and the dawn begins to appear. The rooster is crowing.

When you are ugly, the Liver Meridian is in order. The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine states: “When a person is lying down, blood returns to the liver.” At this time, you should sleep deeply to nourish the liver, so that the liver blood can be refreshed and detoxified smoothly. When you are ugly, you do not fall asleep, your complexion is blue and gray, your mood is negligent and impetuous, and you are prone to liver disease.

Pingdan——Yinshi 3:00-5:00

Pingdan, which is now called of dawn. The sun shows the horizon, the sky just dawns, everything begins to move, and after the darkest night, finally ushered in light and hope.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that “when you sleep soundly, your face is red and your qi is full.” At this time, the lung meridian is most prosperous, and the more you sleep, the better, so as to ensure the even distribution of qi and blood. People who sleep well in Yin Shi will have a rosy and shiny complexion, and their spirits will be very full.

Sunrise——5:00-7:00 hrs

Sunrise , the sun rises from the east, the sun shines on the earth, and all things are alive. The ancients all “made at sunrise”, and the ancient court also began to work and count the number of people at this time, which was called “Dianmao”.

“When the large intestine is peristaltic, the detoxification dregs come out”, it is advisable to put on clothes and get up at this time, drink a cup of warm water after getting up, clear the stomach, detoxify, and start a beautiful day.

Early nourish the stomach: eat a good breakfast

Eat time – Chenshi 7:00-9:00

Chenshi stomach meridian is in season, “Eat breakfast at Chenshi , Nutritious health”, eating breakfast during this time is the most digestible and the best absorption. It is advisable to eat a mild and nourishing breakfast, such as gruel, eggs, milk, etc., and avoid hot food.

Morning (Chen Shi), noon (Noon Shi) and evening (Hai Shi) correspond to the Stomach Meridian, Heart Meridian and Sanjiao Meridian respectively, The Sanjiao presides over all qi, and is in charge of the whole body qi mechanism and qi transformation function. Therefore, there is the saying of “nourishing the stomach in the morning, nourishing the heart in the afternoon, and nourishing the pulses in the evening”.

1. A cup of warm water at 7:00 in the morning to protect the stomach

Drink a cup of warm water around 7:00 Boiling water can moisten the oral cavity, esophagus, and gastric mucosa, flush mucus and bile attached to the mucosa, promote gastrointestinal motility, and prepare for meals. It can also replenish the water lost by the body, but it is not advisable to drink too much water, about 100 ml, so as not to dilute gastric acid and affect digestion.

2. Eat a good breakfast at 7:30 in the morning to nourish the stomach

Studies show that people often do not eat Breakfast causes stomach problems and duodenal ulcers as high as 36%. It can also easily lead to hypoglycemia, memory loss, and increase the risk of gallstones. Eat hot food for breakfast. Ingestion of cold food by the human body will cause poor blood flow, “internal injury to the spleen and stomach, and all diseases are caused by the birth”.

Yunzhong – 9:00-11:00 pm

It is called near noon For the “corner”, people enter the day’s work full of energy. The ancients believed that the snake was hiding in the grass at this time, so it was also called “Si Shi”. The spleen meridian is in order when it is time, and the spleen is in charge of transportation and transformation, and the food eaten in the morning begins to be digested at this time. “Since the spleen meridian is prosperous, the hematopoietic body is strong.” At this time, it is advisable to exercise the body to promote blood circulation, help the stomach and digestion, and avoid sitting for a long time.

Cultivation of the mind at noon: do two things well

Daytime – 11:00-13:00 noon

Noon (11-13 Point) Heart Sutra is in season. Mid-morning and noon are the switching points of the qi of heaven and earth, and people also need to adjust their qi and blood at the switching points of the qi of heaven and earth. The heart dominates the blood, and it also dominates the gods, and its beauty is in the face. The heart drives the blood to run, nourishes the mind, nourishes the qi, and nourishes the tendons. If a person can sleep for a while at noon, it is very good for nourishing the heart, and it can make the complexion ruddy and energetic in the afternoon and even at night.

Sunshine——Waiting 13:00-15:00

Sunshine, also known as Riku. The sundial, the sun slanted to the west after the mid-heaven, people woke up from the chaos of naps, and threw themselves into the afternoon work full of energy. When the small intestine meridian is in season, “it is clear and turbid, and drinking water can reduce fire.” At this time, it is advisable to drink more water and tea, which is conducive to the detoxification of the small intestine and the reduction of fire.

Asr – Shin 15:00-17:00

The ancients only ate two meals a day, and the “morning time” was the meal time for the second meal. Monkeys like to cry at this time, which is called “Shen Shi”. When applying, the bladder meridian is in order, “When applying, the body fluid is sufficient, nourishing yin and the body is comfortable.”

Day entry – Youshi 17:00-19:00

Day entry, the sun sets, the ancients stopped working at this time and went home to rest. During the unitary period, the kidney meridian is in order, and the kidney enters the stage of storing the essence during the unitary period. “The kidney stores the essence in the unitary season, and the vitality of the Hua is clear.” At this time, it is advisable to relax the body and mind, and avoid drinking a lot of water and strenuous exercise.

Dusk – 19:00-21:00 pm

Dusk, the sun sinks, everything Hazy, the sky is dim. This is the most beautiful time of the day, when the pericardium meridian is in season, “protect the heart at the time of Xu, decompress the heart and relax”, it is advisable to maintain a good mood at this time, you can read books, listen to music, practice Tai Chi…

Ren Ding Hai 21:00-23:00

Ren Ding is the last hour of the twelve o’clock. In “The Peacock Flying South East”, “After the dying dusk, the lonely people set the beginning of the day. “‘s verse. At this time, it is late at night and people have stopped moving, so that the body and soul are immersed in a warm sleep, Baimai can get the best rest, which is very beneficial to the body and beauty.

Nursing 100 pulses at night: do three actions

1. Comb your hair with your fingers to make your blood smooth

Use ten fingers as a comb and comb your hair for more than 3 minutes , can improve head blood circulation.

2. Warm water to nourish the kidneys

The warm water for feet can improve the blood circulation of the body and achieve the purpose of nourishing the kidneys and liver. 9:00 to 11:00 pm is the golden time for foot bathing, and it is also the time period for nourishing the pulse at night. It should be noted that the water temperature of the feet must be moderate, not too hot or too cold.

3. Beat the back at night to help you fall asleep

Before going to bed, beat the back, can dredge the meridians, promote the circulation of qi and blood, can effectively improve sleep, and induce sleep. There are usually two methods: beat method and strike method, both of which are performed along both sides of the spine. The slap method uses the virtual palm, the strike method uses the virtual fist, and the shock force is generated by compressing the air. You can tap and tap from top to bottom or bottom to top, the speed should be 60 to 80 times per minute, and the time for each back beat is limited to 20 minutes.

Midnight 23:00-1:00

Midnight is the first hour of twelve o’clock. It is advisable to fall asleep and take care of your body. “I slept well at midnight, and my dark circles are not exposed.” Anyone who falls asleep before midnight will wake up in the morning with a fresh mind and a rosy complexion.