Lanzhou, Gansu: The number of socially positive infections continues to decrease

Yang Dezhi, deputy mayor of Lanzhou Municipal People’s Government, informed at a press conference held today (24th) that at present, Lanzhou City has successfully implemented multiple rounds of large-scale nucleic acid testing and screening, and the number of socially positive infections continues to decrease , the risk of the spread of the epidemic has been effectively controlled. There has been no epidemic in Gaolan County this round; Xigu District, Anning District, Honggu District, and Yongdeng County have had no new positive infections for several consecutive days; in the past three days, new positive infections have been added in Qilihe District and Yuzhong County The number of infected persons is in the single digits, and most of them are quarantine control personnel; the number of newly infected people in Chengguan District has dropped significantly.

Data image courtesy of Xinhua News Agency

Source: CCTV News Client

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