Vitamin D and recurrent miscarriage

What is vitamin D

< It is a fat-soluble vitamin. In addition to the well-known effects of promoting calcium absorption and bone growth, V also regulates physiological processes such as immune response, cell growth and cell differentiation.

The form of vitamin D

Vitamin D3, Vitamin D2.

Vitamin D3 and D2 are required to be converted in the liver and kidney by hydroxylation to an intermediate form of 25(OH)D and the final active substance calcitriol, 1,25( OH)2.

The role of vitamin D

1) VD and PCOS: Vitamin D deficiency is more common in PCOS patients. And waist circumference >80cm is strongly correlated with vitamin D deficiency;

2) VD and uterine fibroids: vitamin D can inhibit the proliferation of myometrium cells and leiomyoma cells in in vitro and in vivo models , vitamin D can inhibit the growth of tumor cells at a certain dose;

3) VD and endometriosis: the expression of lα-hydroxylase and VDR were detected in the endometrium, which indicated that vitamin D D may play a role in the pathogenesis of endometriosis. Variations in the VDR gene may be a bridge between vitamin D and the pathogenesis of endometriosis.

4) Vitamin D and recurrent miscarriage

In addition to the classical maintenance of calcium and phosphorus balance, vitamin D also has immunomodulatory effects in human reproduction.

Studies have shown that 25(OH)D levels in follicular fluid can be used as an independent predictor of the success or failure of assisted reproductive in vitro fertilization when adjusted for maternal age, race, BMI and the number of embryos transferred; Severe vitamin D deficiency (<10ng/mL) results in a 2-fold reduction in the clinical pregnancy rate, and every 1ng/mL increase in the level of 25(OH)D in the follicular fluid increases the chance of a successful clinical pregnancy by 6 %.

VD deficiency can cause female reproductive endocrine disorders, and the decreased VD level of pregnant women in early pregnancy can easily lead to miscarriage. It may even affect the growth and development of the fetus. VD has potential roles in inflammatory response, embryo implantation, immune function, and placental angiogenesis, and VDD has adverse effects on placental development and embryo implantation. The results of the study also fully demonstrate that RSA is related to VDD, indicating that it is meaningful for RSA patients to supplement VD.

The immune mechanism of vitamin D in recurrent miscarriage may be as follows:

1) Reduce autoantibodies p>

2) Regulate Th1/Th2 ratio shift

3) Regulate NK cell number and function

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Source: Internet

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