Reduce salt without reducing salt, low sodium is healthier, “Healthy China Salt Reduction Action” Shencheng launched

“Salt reduction does not reduce saltiness, low sodium is healthier.” This morning, the launching ceremony of the “Healthy China Salt Reduction Action” publicity season in Shanghai was held at the China Financial Information Center, aiming to promote consumers’ healthy life and scientific Concept with salt.

According to reports, cardiovascular disease has become the leading cause of death in my country, and hypertension is the leading cause of death in China. One of the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease. A large number of studies have confirmed that human blood pressure is positively correlated with sodium intake, and reducing salt (sodium) intake can significantly reduce blood pressure. Reduce salt, more of which is to reduce sodium in salt and increase potassium ion intake. Potassium chloride itself has a salty taste. After adding potassium chloride to table salt, the salt can be reduced without reducing the saltiness, taking into account the taste and health of the Chinese people.

Shanghai is the first city to carry out a city-wide salt reduction campaign, and conducts extensive publicity on the “three reductions” and reasonable diets every year. The results of the monitoring of Shanghai residents’ diet and health status show that the per capita daily salt intake of the city’s residents is 7.5g, which is lower than the national average level, but there is still a certain gap between the ideal target of 5g per day. Make joint efforts and work together to make the “salt reduction” action a conscious behavior of thousands of households and a voluntary action of enterprises.

In order to comprehensively promote the application of low sodium salt in food processing enterprises, three initiatives were issued on the spot: First, policy-driven, encouraging The large-scale use of low-sodium salt in the food production field; the second is to strengthen market guidance, and the municipal health and health department will work with relevant government departments, industry associations, and social organizations to jointly create a low-sodium and salt-reducing market environment; Product upgrades.

At the ceremony, 5 new products of Zhongyan brand “low sodium salt” and “green salt” series were released. In the second half of the year, China Salt Shanghai Company will also hold 30 public welfare activities with the theme of “Healthy China Salt Reduction Action” in conjunction with communities, schools and commercial centers.

Author: Fu Xinxin

Editor: Zhao Zhengnan

Editor in charge: Fan Bing

*Wenhui’s exclusive manuscript, please note for reprinting Clear source.