During the dog days, eat three melons, three meats, drink three soups and three drinks, raise the dog days well, and avoid diseases for a whole year!

The dog days are the hottest, humid and muggy days of the year. The so-called “futian” refers to the “dog days” of the lunar calendar, that is, the hottest period of the year. This is the toughest summer heat of the year. During this period of time, the yang qi is also the most abundant, the body is loose, and the meridians and collaterals circulate qi and blood. Grasping the three-volt period to recuperate the body can play a multiplier effect with half the effort. What are some good ways to keep your body healthy during dog days? What else is there to pay attention to? Here is a health strategy for everyone, please keep it! Sanfu eats three melons


Winter melon: control stress and reduce fat

Winter melon is sweet and cold in nature. Winter melon is a typical high-potassium and low-sodium food, containing 130mg of potassium per 100g, which helps control blood pressure. And it is rich in various amino acids needed by the human body, and the dietary fiber content is also very high, which is the gospel of the three high people!


Luffa: water and constipation

Luffa is also known as “beauty melon”, sweet and cool in nature, clearing heat and eliminating dampness. The saponins and mucus contained in loofah are conducive to smooth stool, prevent constipation, speed up the body’s detoxification process, and help improve metabolism.


Cucumber: Anti-constipation beauty

Cucumber is sweet, cool in nature, bitter, non-toxic, enters the spleen, stomach, and large intestine; it has the functions of removing heat, diuresis, clearing heat and detoxifying. 96% of cucumbers are water, and each 100 grams of cucumbers contains 15 calories. Low in calories, suitable for those who want to lose weight. Sanfu eats three meats

Lamb – forcing the cold out of the body

As the saying goes: a bowl of mutton soup in Futian does not require a prescription from a genius doctor.

Futian eat mutton and drink mutton soup to strengthen the body and nourish yin and qi.

After drinking sheep soup, through sweating, you can get rid of the dampness and cold in the body and improve the immunity.

Chicken—replenishing energy

In dog days, people sweat a lot, consume a lot of physical strength, and the body loses a lot of protein and is in a weak state.

Chicken is high in protein, easy to digest and absorb, and can quickly replenish the body’s physical strength.

Pork trotters (in moderation) – rich in vitamins

In dog days, the human body sweats a lot, loses a lot of body fluid, and loses more trace elements. Pig trotters are not only rich in collagen, but also contain calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K and other beneficial ingredients.

Eat some stewed pig trotters in summer, which can well supplement trace elements and improve the body’s immunity.

Sanfu drink three soups 1. Winter melon and kelp soup Winter melon is sweet and cold in nature, and has the effect of reducing heat and swelling. Winter melon itself does not contain fat, it is not greasy when eaten during the early stage, and the appetite will not be affected, and the sodium content of winter melon is low, which is very beneficial to patients with high blood pressure and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Kelp is rich in minerals, and kelp has the effect of lowering blood sugar and blood fat. Kelp is rich in cellulose, which can promote intestinal peristalsis.

2. Tofu loofah soup Tofu is light and rich in protein. Loofah contains a lot of vitamin C, the body water evaporates quickly in summer, and the loofah can help the body replenish water. Eating loofah can play a role in eliminating toxins. 3. Lotus leaf porridge Lotus leaf contains a variety of alkaloids such as lotus leaf alkaloid, which has the effect of diuresis and heatstroke prevention. Eating lotus leaf porridge can clear heat and moisten the lungs, cool blood and stop bleeding. Three drinks and three drinks

Three Fresh Drinks

Take 30 grams of fresh bamboo leaves, lotus leaves and mint each, add water to boil for 10 minutes, and then take the juice, add an appropriate amount of honey instead of tea. Peppermint leaves contain peppermint oil. After being brewed with water, it is a natural cooling drink, which can refresh the mind, clear the mind and eyesight; A good product for relieving the heat.

Sanxian Drink

Take 10 grams of honeysuckle, 20 grams of tuckahoe, and 30 grams of raw broad beans, add water to boil, generally boil the broad beans to a degree, drink juice and eat beans. Tuckahoe can clear heat and detoxify to remove dampness; honeysuckle clears heat and detoxifies to reduce swelling; broad bean detoxifies and detoxifies. This drink is especially suitable for those who suffer from prickly heat and boils.

Sanhua Drink

10 grams each of wild chrysanthemum and lotus flower, and 3 grams of jasmine flower, rinsed and brewed with boiling water, covered with a lid and cooled slightly and served as tea. The flowers of these three kinds of flowers are used in place of tea, which has the effect of relieving summer heat, relieving heat, fragrant and opening the body, and removing the irritable heat in the heart. It should be noted that the color of wild chrysanthemum is yellow, sessile, complete, fragrant, and the flowers are not fully opened. Don’t do these 3 things! People who spend the summer like this don’t like to get sick

1. Don’t exercise too early

It is recommended that people with a history of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease should avoid morning exercise as much as possible. In hot weather, reduce unnecessary going out, especially in places with high temperature, high humidity and dense population. It’s best to wear light-colored, breathable, loose-fitting cotton clothing, and wear a sun hat or umbrella.

2. Ensure adequate water

If you don’t pay attention to replenishing water in time in summer, it will lead to increased blood concentration and thick blood, which is very prone to sudden cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. Drink no less than 2000~2500 ml of water every day, and drink a glass of water before going to bed at night and after getting up in the morning.

3, the temperature difference is too big

If you stay in an air-conditioned room with too low temperature for a long time, and suddenly go out into a high temperature environment, the sudden change in temperature difference can easily lead to rapid contraction or expansion of blood vessels, causing blood circulation disorders, and causing myocardial infarction or cerebral infarction.

(Master of Health and Wellness)