Beijing Jishuitan Hospital Huilongguan and Xinlongze allergy clinics will reopen

Client of Beijing Daily | Reporter Sun Leqi Correspondent Feng Jindi

From August 1st, the allergy clinic of Beijing Jishuitan Hospital will reopen in Huilongguan and Xinlongze. The visiting time is every Monday and Thursday morning in Huilongguan Campus, and every Wednesday morning in Xinlongze Campus. At that time, patients can make an appointment for registration through the Jingyitong WeChat public account.

After 4 years of accumulation and precipitation, the allergy clinic has been expanded, added and upgraded again, and has gradually established and improved standardized diagnosis and treatment procedures and clinical norms, striving to provide high-level medical services for residents in northern Beijing. , really help patients to achieve early diagnosis and standardized treatment of the disease.

Experts introduced that atopic dermatitis is the first disease of allergy, and more than 70% of children with severe disease are prone to comorbidities. Many atopic dermatitis are misdiagnosed as eczema, thus underestimating the severity of the disease. When the patient has symmetrical eczema for more than 6 months, and the individual or relative has suffered from atopic diseases such as allergic rhinitis, asthma or allergic conjunctivitis, it is recommended to go to a regular dermatology hospital for further examination to determine whether the Have atopic dermatitis (AD).

Hot Q&A

1. Can atopic dermatitis (AD) be cured?

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic type 2 inflammatory skin disease, which is related to the patient’s individual constitution, genetics and other factors. Induce or aggravate dermatitis, leading to recurrent attacks, the purpose of treatment is to relieve or eliminate clinical symptoms, eliminate inducing and (or) aggravating factors, reduce and prevent recurrence, and improve the quality of life of patients. In order to achieve the desired therapeutic effect, the patient should follow the doctor’s advice, follow-up on time, and should not stop the drug on his own, so as to avoid recurrence of the disease. Even if you don’t have any symptoms, moisturizing your skin every day will effectively protect the skin barrier.

2. How should patients be treated after diagnosis?

The following drugs are available for atopic dermatitis. When patients have obvious signs of bacterial infection, they should be treated with short-term systemic or topical antibiotics.

3. Besides the above treatments, what are the precautions for AD patients in daily life?

Experts remind: The treatment and management of atopic dermatitis (AD) is a long-term process, which requires a comprehensive assessment of the condition by a professional doctor. Choose the most appropriate treatment method under the guidance of your doctor.