The picturesque Duku Highway should not become a messy “garbage dump” | Beijing News Express

When tourists travel by car, they must tighten the string of “environmental protection”.

Some people complained on social platforms, and Duku Highway is full of garbage. Figure/Screenshot of social platform

Text | Ding Wenyou

This summer vacation, I went to Xinjiang to travel and refresh the Internet. According to media reports, since July, many places in Xinjiang have been full of tourists, making it one of the most popular destinations in China. Not long ago, the news of “Xinjiang Duku Highway ‘blocked crying'” made a hot search. The more people there are, the more garbage will come. Subsequently, “Please don’t let the Duku Highway become a garbage dump” has also become a hot topic.

On July 24, the official account of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Department of Culture and Tourism also issued an appeal: “Please! No! Yes! Let the Duku Highway become a garbage dump”, advising self-driving tourists to carry garbage with their vehicles Bags, and put the garbage into the garbage bins or garbage stations along the way.

The local cultural and tourism department issued a document urging tourists to stop throwing garbage, which shows the urgency of Duku Highway to solve the garbage problem. According to data recently released by the Culture and Tourism Department of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, since July, the average daily reception of 5A-level tourist attractions in the region has exceeded 110,000, and the average daily reception has increased by 201.08% compared with June. Objectively speaking, the surge in the number of tourists will inevitably bring about environmental problems. For scenic spots, professional cleaning personnel are also employed to maintain the environment in daily operations, but for tourists traveling by car, it is unrealistic to rely on professional cleaning to clean up the garbage along the way at any time.

Duku Highway is full of “garbage”, which is undoubtedly what every tourist does not want to see. After all, no one wants to travel thousands of miles to check in the “most beautiful road”, but what they see is garbage: garbage in the ravines, by the creek, and even in the mouths of cattle and sheep. Especially against the backdrop of pure scenery such as mountains and lakes, garbage that does not belong to these scenery is undoubtedly more eye-catching, and it also swept the travel interest of most tourists.

Some people called on social platforms to protect the natural environment of Duku Highway. Figure/Screenshot of social platform

“Trash everywhere” not only harms the scenery, but also endangers the local natural environment, which is undoubtedly very harmful to the Duku Highway, which is famous for its natural scenery. According to public information, the Duku Highway is 561 kilometers long, connecting southern Xinjiang and northern Xinjiang, and spanning the Tianshan Mountains. The scenery along the way is diverse, including snow-capped mountains, forests, grasslands, lakes, canyons and other beautiful scenery. It is precisely because of the diversity of scenery that Duku Highway has always been a popular tourist route for self-driving tours.

However, now, in the parking areas and rest stops along the Duku Highway, there are a lot of garbage such as food bags and plastic bottles. Discarded food is rotten. The emergence of this phenomenon is undoubtedly related to the weak awareness of environmental protection of tourists.

It needs to be clear that tourists who travel by self-driving tour should also tighten the string of “environmental protection”. Self-driving tours are more convenient for tourists to stop-and-go and watch the scenery along the way, but it does not mean that as long as they obey the traffic rules, they can throw garbage without restraint. It can be said that in this pure natural environment with mountains, lakes and rivers along the way, the first step to maintain a clean environment is to rely on the conscious awareness of tourists.

Of course, for the current garbage problem caused by the increase in tourists, the scenic spot still needs to strengthen the publicity of the environmental protection of the scenic spot, and at the same time use the method of online reservation and ticket purchase to control the number of tourists. For self-driving routes with many tourists, you may wish to add garbage disposal sites along the road to increase garbage disposal.

Duku Highway is full of rubbish, which is also a reminder for tourists who are traveling by car in Xinjiang, or who are about to go to Xinjiang: self-driving tours should have enough environmental protection awareness. Civilized tourism should start with the trivial matter of not littering. The picturesque Duku Highway should not become a messy “garbage dump”.

Writing / Ding Wenyou (media person)

Editing / Chi Daohua

Proofreading / Liu Yue