The second consumer expo pavilion officially opened to the public today

CCTV News (News Network): Today (July 26), the second China International Consumer Goods Fair will officially open to the public. As the country of honor of this Consumer Expo, the French National Pavilion officially opened in the morning. About 250 brands from nearly 50 French companies appeared at this Consumer Expo. France has become the country with the most participating brands outside China.

At the same time, the Consumer Expo also held the Global Consumption Innovation and Duty-Free and Travel Retail Conference, and released a series of industries in the consumer and travel retail market fields such as the White Paper on Hainan Free Trade Port Travel Retail Market and the Future Consumer Index. Report. In the future, the Consumer Expo will also hold a series of activities, such as the Sustainable Consumption Summit Forum, to discuss and exchange the latest and hottest topics in the global consumption field and share new opportunities for development.

Source: CCTV