German Egon Schuler: “Europeans should see for themselves what’s going on here”

China News Agency, Beijing, July 26 (Reporter Peng Dawei) It is difficult to summarize the fate of the German Egon Schueler and China in one sentence.

Egon Schuler, 74, is a true Berliner. Before retiring, Egon Schuler ran a company that produced optical equipment and instruments for photographic darkrooms, and began selling photographic equipment to China in the early 2000s. His first visit to China was in 2009, and he visits China once or twice a year on average. Before the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, Egon Schuler and his wife had been to China 13 times, each time they went to different provinces and cities, and stayed there for about 30 days, and the longest one was 60 days. During their stay in China, they rented a car to travel, fully experienced the customs of various provinces and cities in China, and were deeply moved by the charm of China. Recently, in an interview with a reporter from China News Agency, Egon Schuler proudly said, “Our couple has traveled in China for more than 360 days!”

File photo of Egon Schuller and his wife’s home in Berlin. Photo by China News Agency reporter Peng Dawei

Since 2009, Egon Schuler has been studying Chinese at the Chinese Cultural Center in Berlin. The following year, he began to learn Tai Chi at the center again. The couple still practice Tai Chi regularly on the streets of Berlin. In the “Me and China” short video and picture competition held by the Chinese Embassy in Germany in 2021, the short video recording the Egon couple playing Tai Chi in front of major landmarks in Berlin won the first prize.

In recent years, Egon Schuler has been active in the field of Sino-German people-to-people and cultural exchanges. He is a consultant of the Berlin Zhuyuan German-Chinese Cultural Exchange Promotion Association and a member of the Berlin “New Silk Road Forum Association”. In January 2020, he initiated and organized activities to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the death of “Nanjing Good Man” John Rabe at Rabe’s Tomb and Rabe’s former residence in Berlin. Egon is also proficient in French and served as an interpreter for Chinese media interviews with former French Prime Minister Raffarin.

Egon Schuler, who is obsessed with Chinese culture, refuses to be called “China fan”. In his opinion, the word “fan” represents blind obsession, and his love for China and Chinese culture is a rational choice based on in-depth understanding. He told reporters that he likes China very much and is always ready to introduce the kindness of the Chinese people and the beauty of Chinese culture to others, “Even on issues such as Tibet, Xinjiang, and Taiwan, I am willing to discuss with others, and use rational Arguments to defend my own positive view of China.”

“Chinese civilization is one of the beacons in human history.” Egon Schuler believes that the land of China has nurtured a splendid Culture, from ancient times to the present, there are countless scholars and scholars. The people are good at invention and creation. Like other great civilizations, Chinese civilization has enriched and improved human civilization. “The only problem is that a lot of things about China are not well known in Europe.”

Talking about the changes in China over the past decade, Egon Schuler on the prosperity China’s cities have created and the country’s efforts to eradicate hunger Impressed by the great achievements made in relation to poverty.

In response to the fact that the West is still critical of China on human rights issues from time to time, Egon Schuler bluntly said that people all over the world have similar needs, but when meeting these needs, they are There are different limitations depending on the specific circumstances of each society. “The argument that many German politicians demand that China ‘uphold human rights’ is empty and full of subjective color.”

He pointed out that on the so-called “human rights” issues in Tibet and Xinjiang, these politicians only adopted One-sided words of some people, and they are repeated over and over again, but these people have never been to the place they are talking about. “Seeing is believing about Xinjiang and Tibet!”

“Europeans need to go to China to witness the prosperity of Chinese cities and experience the splendor of life.” According to Egon Schuler , Compared with the city life that Europeans are proud of, today’s Chinese cities are not inferior.

“In other words, I hope that all Europeans can go to China to have a look, and then they will understand that the relationship between the Chinese and us is like door-to-door neighbors.” This year coincides with the fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Germany. On the tenth anniversary, Egon Schuller hopes that the two countries can carry out more cooperation full of mutual trust and achieve greater prosperity through win-win cooperation. .” (End)