Use short videos to help ancient poems, lyrics, Qugao and “Zhong”

“Don’t listen to the sound of forest beating leaves, why don’t you sing and walk slowly.” Not long ago, Liao Xiangzhong, president of Communication University of China, at the school’s 2022 graduation ceremony After leading the recitation of Su Shi’s “Doomed Storm”, the students stood up collectively and recited in unison, and the related short video was widely forwarded.

It’s not so much that an ancient poem “goes out of the circle” through a short video, it is better to say that this parting poem touches more life feelings. The pure heart and free and easy spirit reflected in Su Shi’s poem has influenced so many descendants in the past thousand years! As a farewell to the graduates, it is necessary to travel lightly and enjoy a happy life, but also to be free and easy and philosophical in spite of the wind and rain, expressing the deep meaning in. The short video has been widely reposted, which shows that ancient poetry has a lasting charm that transcends time and space.

Graduation season with poems to express affection, just “a wave” caused by the integration of ancient poems into modern life. Nowadays, one after another of ancient poems has gone out of the classics, and with the help of the Internet, it is radiating infinite vitality. The short video version of “Three Hundred Poems of Tang Dynasty” was recently launched on Douyin. Ye Jiaying and other classical poetry experts moved the classroom to the Internet; Wang Yangjun, a language teacher in Hangzhou, led students to play “Three and a Half Ancient Poems” and “Flying Flower Order”. The video attracted a large number of fans; many short video creators dressed in ancient costumes spontaneously recited and explained poems. The collision of ancient poetry and new media aroused “blooming waves” and awakened more people’s romantic poetry and cultural feelings.

Quatan sentences are not “absolute”, and short videos help the inheritance of ancient poetry. To make the verses in the classics come alive, it is necessary to write them in “texts” that are compatible with contemporary culture. Some people think that the ancient poems are the spring and the snow, and the short videos are the people of Xialiba, and the two are difficult to blend. As everyone knows, ancient poetry originated from the folk and life, and it has been passed down to this day because it expresses the common emotions of people. Today, ancient poetry is popular on short video platforms because of its short form, precise expression, and rich connotation, which not only responds to people’s pursuit of spiritual life, but also coincides with the short and concise characteristics of short videos. It can be said that short videos are the “quatrains” of this era, and the two have the same effect. The two are blended together, and the quatrains are not “absolute”, so that the classic culture can walk out of a road of innovation that keeps pace with the times.

The form is more lively, giving the ancient poetry a rich expression space. For a period of time, the short videos of “secondary creation” around ancient poems have various forms and characteristics. Some scholars and professors explained the poetry culture in a eloquent way, answering questions and doubts; some netizens compiled ancient poems such as “Pity for Agriculture” and “Spring Dawn” into gesture dances, which were welcomed by children; The source of inspiration for music lovers, new versions emerge in an endless stream; more travelers take poetry as the main line, string together ancient villages and towns, natural landscapes, and perform poems while walking. The fusion of video, sound, and text, and the transformation of singing and dancing, animation, and chanting, make ancient poetry reproduce vivid images in real-time dissemination, and frequently “go out of the circle” in interactive communication, which not only makes poetry within reach, but also makes ancient poetry within reach. Get a larger audience.

Always read and often new, ancient poems go through thousands of years and reach people’s hearts. Reading and appreciating poems on the short video platform reflects the innovation in the form of dissemination of ancient poetry, but in the final analysis, ancient poetry awakens people’s cultural genes and nourishes people’s spiritual world. The poet Wen Yiduo once said: “The contribution of poets to poetry is a secondary issue, and the important thing is to make people’s spirits have sustenance.” Our life experiences, joys, sorrows, sorrows, and joys can be placed in the poems of the ancients, after ups and downs, hardships When you are disappointed, you can also get spiritual comfort from ancient poems. On the day of Youth Day on May 4 this year, Mr. Kang Zhen from Beijing Normal University released a short video of “Wangyue” appreciation, which was praised by many young people “as if he had obtained the courage and strength of ‘being able to be at the top of the mountain and seeing the small mountains’. “. Absorbing the wisdom of life from ancient poems and continuously cultivating the spiritual soil of today’s people may be the fundamental reason why ancient poems can continue to “get out of the circle” with the help of short videos.

Qu Gao and “Zhong” change the Internet cultural ecology. Today, when the content of short videos is full of flowers but also under the sand, short videos of ancient poems and words are like a clear spring, which makes short videos not only entertaining, but also book-like. In particular, many famous artists have joined, not only conveying the beauty of rhythm and character of poetry with precise explanations, but also actively exploring new paths for systematic and large-scale dissemination of ancient poetry, which greatly improves the content quality of the short video platform. Not long ago, Douyin released a report showing that in the past year, the cumulative number of views of ancient poetry-related videos was 17.8 billion, a year-on-year increase of 168%, driving the sales of ancient poetry books on the e-commerce platform to increase by 588% year-on-year. Such a high volume of broadcasts and sales has made ancient poems popular again in modern times, and has also made the content ecological connotation of “Fingertip Era” thicker and more profound. It is expected that the encounter between ancient poetry and short videos will benefit each other, and more people will follow this path to go deep into the world of ancient poetry and create a better tomorrow of excellent traditional culture together. Liu Zhen


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