A 22-year-old girl went on a diet to lose weight but lost a fatty liver? Fatty liver is not just for fat people

When it comes to fatty liver, people tend to think of eating too much fat.

Indeed, the so-called fatty liver refers to a common liver disease caused by excessive fat content in the liver, resulting in a significant decrease in liver function.

Although it is true that eating too much oil will increase the risk of fatty liver disease to a large extent, but if you diet too much, it will also cause fatty liver.

A 22-year-old girl went on a diet to lose weight, and she lost weight of fatty liver< /p>

Recently, a 22-year-old girl in Jinan, Shandong suffered from fatty liver due to long-term diet and weight loss. Excessive reduction of food intake will affect the synthesis function of the liver, and fat metabolism will slowly accumulate in the liver, thus eventually Fatty liver is formed.

Although most people with fatty liver are obese at present, there are also 10%-20% of people who have fatty liver because of being thin.

Fatty liver, can not simply be caused by eating too much p>

In fact, the term fatty liver is mainly used to describe a pathological state of the liver. The full medical name is “steatosis of liver cells”, which usually occurs in ≥30% of liver cells Steatosis will only be found by B-ultrasound, and the probability of CT finding will be smaller.

Because of this, once any link of fat metabolism in liver cells goes wrong, fat will accumulate in liver cells, not just because of excessive intake of fat.

For example,fatty acid decomposition and transfer disorder, excessive fat synthesis, liver cell toxicity or malnutrition, etc. can also induce fatty liver.

Prevent liver cells, not just simple diet

First, healthy diet

Healthy diet does not mean completely vegetarian or excessive dieting, but means that the principle of matching meat and vegetables and balanced nutrition should be followed. And the daily ingredients must be diversified, and the taste must be kept light, not excessively greasy and spicy.

Here we need to remind everyone that high-oil foods do not only refer to high-oil meats such as fatty meat and pork belly.

As long as the foods or dishes with high oil content are high-oil foods, long-term consumption will adversely affect the prevention of liver disease.

Vegetables such as green vegetables, spinach, cabbage, which are often regarded as representatives of light diets, do not conform to the principle of lightness if excessive cooking oil is added during the cooking process.

Second, weight control

According to Statistics show that obese people are more likely to develop fatty liver than healthy weight people.

In order to effectively prevent and treat fatty liver, reasonable weight control is also very important. However, weight control here refers to controlling the weight within a healthy range, that is, not too fat or too thin.

For the calculation of healthy weight, it needs to be combined with the actual height, that is, Subtract 105 from the height (unit: cm), and the obtained number is the standard weight value (unit: kg)


And weight values ​​that are within 5% of the standard weight value are considered healthy weight.

Third, active movement

exercise It can improve blood circulation and promote human metabolism, which can effectively help the liver reduce the metabolic burden.

Therefore, if you want to stay away from fatty liver as much as possible, you must actively develop good exercise habits. Under normal circumstances, it is recommended that you set aside half an hour to an hour every day for moderate physical activity.

Fourth, stay away from alcohol

After ingesting alcohol, it needs to enter the liver for degradation.

A large amount of alcohol decomposition products will be toxic to liver cells. Continued alcohol damage will cause early alcoholic fatty liver disease, and gradually lead to alcoholic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and abnormal liver function. etc..

Of course, the risk of developing liver cancer is far greater than that of the average person, so this is why it is repeatedly emphasized to quit drinking.

What should I do if I have fatty liver?

Simple fatty liver itself is not too serious, but because it is often related to other health problems, it cannot be solved simply by eating lightly. Deal with it.

For patients with fatty liver, if they have mild fatty liver, they must strengthen the body to recuperate, and try to make the fatty liver heal itself as soon as possible.

But if it is If you have moderate or severe fatty liver, you must seek medical treatment in a timely manner to formulate the most reasonable treatment plan.

However, in most cases, fatty liver originates from people’s daily bad habits, in addition to excluding related causes , the most important thing is to control the diet, exercise properly and stop drinking alcohol.

Although fatty liver is not necessarily caused by obesity and diet, it should not be an excuse for overeating.