“Natural folic acid” found! Prevention of stroke and dementia, two dishes a week, often eaten by middle-aged and elderly

Speaking of folic acid, the first instinct of many people is that pregnant women need supplementation, not their own business, but it is not. Compared to pregnant women, middle-aged and elderly people need folic acid supplementation, because folic acid can effectively prevent the incidence of stroke and Alzheimer’s!

Stroke has been the number one cause of death among Chinese residents for several consecutive years. There are many reasons, one of which is the lack of timely supplementation of folic acid.

More than 90% of middle-aged and elderly people do not know the need to supplement folic acid, so this is also a high incidence of stroke among Chinese people one of the important reasons.

According to incomplete statistics, every 5 Chinese There is 1 person who is deficient in folic acid, and they are the high risk group of stroke!

Similarly, the incidence of dementia is also increasing. At the end of 2017, the elderly population in my country reached 240 million. Among them, the prevalence rate of senile dementia among people aged 65 and above is 5.56%. According to this calculation, nearly 10 million elderly people in China suffer from senile dementia!

Middle-aged and elderly people are an important group of people who need folic acid supplementation. If folic acid can be supplemented every day in daily life, it will have obvious effects on various diseases. preventive effect.

Folic acid supplementation is sufficient to aid sleep and improve our memory. It can also prevent high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, and help reduce the incidence of heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin that belongs to the B vitamin family and plays an important role in the human body, but the human body cannot synthesize it by itself Folic acid needs to be supplemented with food or medicine.

Usually pregnant and contraceptive women will supplement folic acid directly through medicine, but there are already a lot of medicines for middle-aged and elderly people to take daily. Take less medicine if you can.

As the saying goes, “medicine is worse than food supplement”, it is better to use scientific diet to supplement food. Today, Mr. Xiaobang will talk to you: The “natural folic acid” around me has been found! To prevent stroke and dementia, fry two dishes a week, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat it often.

Which foods contain folic acid?

Many ingredients in our daily life are foods rich in folic acid, such as we often eat Various green leafy vegetables, spinach, lettuce, etc.

There are also vegetables such as broccoli, squash, asparagus; bananas, mangoes, oranges, etc. in fruits; animal foods, beans , yeast and other foods, are rich in folic acid.

meat like animal liver also contains folic acid, but these foods are high in cholesterol, which is a problem for the three high For elderly friends, it is necessary to eat with caution.

In general, if middle-aged and elderly people want to supplement folic acid, they should eat more vegetables and beans.

Folic acid supplementation for the elderly: peas< /span>

As the saying goes, “eat beans in summer and beat meat”, round green peas are used to fry rice, fry Meat and side dishes are good.

Its nutrition is comprehensive and balanced, rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc. Among them, peas contain 82.6 micrograms of folic acid per 100 grams, which is higher than many vegetables.

The protein content of peas is also very strong, reaching about 7.5%, which is even higher than some meats.

Vegetarians can supplement the protein and fat needed for body metabolism by eating peas, and effectively avoid malnutrition.

Not to mention that another advantage of peas is that they are high in B vitamins. The content of vitamins B1 and B2 is even higher than that of tofu.

Older people with constipation can also eat more peas. Fresh peas in summer are a kind of food with high content of soluble dietary fiber< /span>, the soluble dietary fiber per hectogram of peas can reach about 3%, which can gently help gastrointestinal motility and defecation.

Folic acid supplementation for the elderly: cabbage

cabbage contains a large amount of natural folic acid, known as natural folic acid, which can reach 240 micrograms/100 grams, ranking second among vegetables. Therefore, it is one of the essential vegetables for pregnant women.

The cabbage is very nutritious, especially if women eat more and add some folic acid, it can promote the absorption of the body.

In addition, each hectogram of cabbage contains 31 mg of calcium and 124 mg of potassium, which can achieve both purposes of calcium and potassium at the same time p>

YesYou know how to eat cabbage, in order to retain more nutrients? Cabbage works best when eaten raw or briefly cooked.

Because many nutrients are destroyed in too high oil temperature. If the oil temperature exceeds 120 degrees, most of the B vitamins are lost.

Like we are used to blanching before cooking, the folic acid in cabbage will be lost during high-temperature stewing.

So the best way to eat cabbage is to wash it and eat it with a vegetable salad. It has a good weight loss effect and is also conducive to various nutrients. Absorption.

Folic acid supplementation for the elderly: chrysanthemum

The content of folic acid per 100 grams of chrysanthemum is 114.3 micrograms, and chrysanthemum is rich in vitamin E and potassium. To the effect of anti-oxidation and balancing blood pressure, help digestion and prolong life!

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that chrysanthemum, which was originally an ornamental plant in the court, is not only edible when its stems and leaves are young, but its roots, stems, leaves, and flowers can be used as medicine, which can clear blood, Nourishes the heart, lowers blood pressure, moistens the lungs, and clears phlegm.

Chrysanthemum is a very tender green leafy vegetable. Whether it is used in soup or stir-fry, it can have a different wonderful umami.

In addition to being rich in nutrients, Chrysanthemum can also enhance appetite and promote digestion. However, because the texture is too crisp and tender, it is easy to collapse and discolor after cooking, and it is easy to make soup, so cold cooking after blanching is the most recommended.