The Healthiest Routine Ever! (Must Read)

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ability is important, Personality is also important.

However, health is the secret weapon to defeat all opponents.

The following is the world’s healthiest work and rest schedule, you deserve it!

in the morning at 7:00 sun get up.

A glass of lukewarm water is a must after waking up in the morning,


gives you the best start to your day.

you need comprehensive and rich nutrition breakfast.

A good breakfast will keep you energized throughout the day.

morning is the best time for the human immune system When weak,

do not do strenuous exercise, walking to work is a good choice,

Healthy and comfortable.

the most awake in the morning ,

should be used for the most difficult tasks.

For example, overcoming work difficulties, outlining complex reports, etc., make full use of the awake brain in the morning.

It’s half past midnight.

Get up and walk around, look into the distance, and do eye exercises to soothe your eyes.

It’s almost time to eat some fruit in the morning.

Morning is the best time of day to eat fruit,< /p>

Because the human body is most suitable for absorbing the nutrients in the fruit in the morning.

It also replenishes the blood sugar that our mentally retarded brains desperately need.

You should have enough protein for lunch. Soy foods are the best option.

Although it is lunch, people who sit in the office for a long time should not eat too greasy.

span>The time after lunch is precious and best used to take a nap.

Some people like to go shopping on Taobao or play intense games at noon, which will make the brain Being in a state of excessive tension causes physical exhaustion in the afternoon.

Afternoon is the most active time for people to think >

is great for some creative work.

Think about innovation at work, even small improvements can add up to big things over time .

Around four o’clock Yogurt can replenish the blood sugar lost by the body.

It’s about time for the most intensive work of the day.

From four to seven,

body and The brain is in the peak state of the day,

At this time, we should do detailed and intensive work.

Don’t rush home when you’re done,

Take 10 minutes to summarize the day’s work:

Today’s harvest What good ideas

what experiences have been accumulated

what new tools have been learned

Verified what ideas

< strong>10 minutes of reflection every day, great things will come soon!

Eat a little something after get off work, don’t eat too much for dinner, just make it three full.

Take a short break after dinner before exercising.

Walking first, then jogging is a very healthy form of exercise.

You can watch TV after exercise, or open your reading plan book in relaxing reading.

The best choice is continuous thinking and work in entertainment and leisure,


This will create unexpected sparks.

The essence of the combination of work and rest is:

I still have a string to worry about when I’m at work,

When inspiration strikes, grab it right away.

It’s almost time to take a bath, soothe your body and wash away the fatigue of the day.

Every organ of the human body is The rest period is beginning, don’t go against the natural laws of the body, relax and sleep well, tomorrow will be another beautiful day!

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