The 65-year-old father uses plant juice to treat prostatitis, which causes kidney damage due to the neutralization of oxalic acid and calcium

In order to treat prostatitis, Daddy Zhang (pseudonym) from Hunan listened to the remedies and squeezed purslane to drink it. The not-so-good kidneys “worse” with acute inflammation.

Dad Zhang, 65, was diagnosed with prostatitis during his physical examination this year. Because he suffers from chronic kidney disease, Daddy Zhang cannot use some drugs when treating prostatitis. , the treatment effect is not satisfactory. At the beginning of July, Dad Zhang got a recipe from a patient to treat prostatitis with wild vegetable purslane. With the mentality of giving it a try, Dad Zhang followed the recipe provided by the patient and used a wall breaker to crush the purslane and squeeze it into juice. drink.

A week later, Dad Zhang felt abdominal distention, nausea, fatigue, and unspeakable discomfort. On July 12, he came to Wuhan Tongji Hospital for treatment. A check of serum creatinine was as high as 324umol/L (normal value 84umol/L). Associate Professor Zeng Rui from the Department of Nephrology of Tongji Hospital immediately arranged Daddy Zhang to be hospitalized and underwent kidney biopsy and other tests. Calcium oxalate crystals were found in his renal tubules. After inquiring about his condition and living habits in detail, Associate Professor Zeng Rui confirmed that Daddy Zhang was suffering from grass. Salt crystalline nephropathy, and the culprit is this recipe: purslane juice and drink. After comprehensive treatment with hormones and kidney-protecting drugs, Dad Zhang’s kidney function was restored and he was discharged from the hospital last week.

Associate Professor Zeng Rui said: “Some patients will use some remedies and secret recipes to fight the disease. This feeling is understandable, but the practice is not right, even Harmful. Clinically, we often encounter patients with acute renal failure caused by eating remedies, unknown wild vegetables, and improper cooking methods. Before Zhang Daddy became ill, he drank a lot of freshly squeezed purslane juice, and purslane is a rich Plants containing oxalic acid, the oxalic acid in the freshly squeezed juice of uncooked purslane enters the body in large quantities, then combines with calcium in the kidney and forms calcium oxalate crystals, which eventually leads to kidney damage and inflammatory response.”

With the improvement of living conditions, there are more and more “sharp eyes” on the dining table of ordinary people, and there are more and more unseen and unheard foods. The more, the doctor advises everyone to be more cautious about foods that we are not familiar with, especially patients with underlying diseases, should pay more attention to this. As for the remedies that have no basis for word of mouth, it is not recommended that you try them rashly.

In addition, I would like to remind everyone that even a prescription with partial curative effect may not be symptomatic, or the patient may be sensitive to the drug. If you try to eat it, you can take the prescription to the hospital and ask the doctor about the safety of taking it. Eat well, eat carefully, unknown small wild vegetables, small remedies of unknown origin, we must not blindly follow, beware of disease from the mouth.

Correspondent Deng Guohuan Zuo Mei welcomes Jiu faction reporter Wang Jiaqing

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[Source: Jiupai News]

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