The eyes are so sore that you can’t open them, it’s all caused by the air conditioner. Experts remind you to be careful about suffering from dry eye!

[Source: Minnan Network]

Since July, the high temperature in Quanzhou has continued, and many people sighed that they just want to stay in the air-conditioned room, especially the students who are in the summer vacation, stay at home Lying down and blowing the air conditioner and brushing the phone couldn’t be more comfortable. However, the body is comfortable, but many people have problems with their eyes. Recently, the corneal disease and ocular surface specialists of Quanzhou Aier Eye Hospital have been very busy. Many people with “dry eyes” have gathered to prepare eye drops, and there are many children who are on the waiting list.

“Today I happened to be doing a comprehensive eye clinic. I checked dozens of cases in the morning, and two-thirds of them were dry eyes.” Xu Jianbin, deputy director and deputy chief doctor of Quanzhou Aier Eye Hospital, told reporters : The number of such patients has doubled than usual, and they are all suspected to be related to the excessive use of air conditioners.

Last week, Ms. Wang (pseudonym) suffered from dry and painful eyes, severe foreign body sensation, and even blinking. So I found Aier Eye Hospital. Through slit lamp examination, Director Xu Jianbin of Quanzhou Aier Eye Hospital observed that her meibomian glands were partially blocked, and the scattered epithelium of the cornea fell off in spots, and was diagnosed as moderate dry eye.

After some communication, Dr. Xu Jianbin found out that Ms. Wang spent at least 10 hours in the air-conditioned room every day. Because she is afraid of heat, her work station is directly above the air outlet of the air conditioner, and she spends a long time in the office processing files on the computer. When I get home from get off work, I also turn on the air conditioner, and I go out to the mall to go shopping, which is almost seamless in the “air-conditioned environment”.

Dr. Xu Jianbin explained, “Dry eye syndrome, also known as keratoconjunctiva xerosis, is a very common ocular surface disease. Common symptoms include dryness, foreign body sensation, burning sensation, eye itching, photophobia, and eye redness. , blurred vision, etc. People who have been in the air-conditioned room for a long time have a higher incidence of dry eye.” This is because the humidity in the air-conditioned room is relatively low. When office workers focus on using electronic products such as computers for a long time, their eyes will unconsciously reduce their blinking frequency. It affects the secretion of water and lipids in the tear film, making tear evaporation more obvious, so the eyes will feel very dry.

In the hot summer, people are more and more inseparable from air conditioners. How to prevent air conditioner diseases? Dr. Xu Jianbin, an ophthalmologist, has a few tips:

1. Don’t sit at the air outlet of the air conditioner, pay attention to “moisturizing” your eyes, and take a 5-hour break when you work on the computer in an air-conditioned room for 1 hour. -10 minutes, blink more.

Second, in the morning and evening, you can apply a hot towel or a hot compress to the eyes for 10-15 minutes. The hot compress can promote blood circulation in the eyes and help to restore the function of the Meibomian glands.

3. If conditions permit, place a humidifier indoors to increase the air humidity and prevent the air conditioner from blowing directly to the face.

4. Do not use eye drops at will, because the pathogenesis of dry eye syndrome is very complex and the conditions are diverse, if no symptomatic treatment, only eye drops may not achieve satisfactory results, and may even cause dry eye problems The delay is aggravated. (Correspondent Chen Mingzhen)

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