World Hepatitis Day | Hepatitis C is Curable, Did You Know?

[Source: Jiading CDC]

July 28 Today is the birthday of the late Nobel laureate Baruch Bloomberg. To commemorate the discoverer of the hepatitis B virus, the World Health Organization decided to set the annual World Hepatitis Day on this day.

Why is hepatitis important? Data released by the World Health Organization in 2021 shows that globally every 30 seconds, one person dies from hepatitis-related diseases; common hepatitis B and C, combined, cause 1.1 million deaths and 3 million new infections each year. On July 28, 2022, the 12th World Hepatitis Day is coming, let’s learn about viral hepatitis together!

About viral hepatitis

< p>What you need to know…

Viral hepatitis is a common infectious disease caused by a variety of hepatitis viruses. It has the characteristics of strong infectivity, complex transmission routes, wide prevalence and high incidence.

Hepatitis virus can be divided into A, B, C, D and E types. Hepatitis A and E are mostly acute onset, and generally have a good prognosis; hepatitis B and C have a complicated course, and may develop into liver cirrhosis or liver cancer after prolonged chronicity. The clinical manifestations of various types of viral hepatitis are similar. In the acute phase, fatigue, loss of appetite, hepatomegaly, and abnormal liver function are the main symptoms. Some cases have jaundice. Chronic infection may have mild symptoms or even no clinical symptoms.

Did you know?

Hepatitis C is curable!

  • Hepatitis C (hepatitis C) is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis C virus inflammation.

  • The virus can cause acute or chronic hepatitis, ranging in severity from mild illness to serious lifelong disease including cirrhosis and cancer.

  • Hepatitis C virus can be transmitted through blood, mother-to-child and sexual behavior. The most common infection is through unsafe injection behavior, informal invasive diagnosis and treatment , transfusion of unscreened blood and blood products, injecting drug use, and sexual activity that can lead to blood exposure.

  • Hepatitis B is currently difficult to cure completely, but hepatitis C can achieve the goal of complete cure, and it is not difficult for the vast majority of patients, regular antiviral treatment , treatment can usually be completed within three months. Although hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B virus have many similarities, they are actually quite different in nature. Hepatitis C is an RNA virus, and hepatitis B is a DNA virus. When hepatitis B virus infects liver cells, it penetrates into the nucleus of liver cells, while hepatitis C virus usually only enters the liver cytoplasm, so it is easier to remove.

  • According to my country’s “Hepatitis C Prevention and Control Guidelines”, the ultimate goal of treatment is to eliminate hepatitis C virus and obtain a cure, and at the same time eliminate or reduce liver damage and extrahepatic manifestations caused by hepatitis C , reverse liver fibrosis and prevent progression to cirrhosis. 12 weeks or 24 weeks after antiviral treatment, the hepatitis C virus cannot be detected by high-sensitivity detection methods, which can be regarded as a cure.

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