Tongcheng Travel and Baidu Maps launched “Tongcheng Station”, the first batch of which covers 8 cities across the country

Cover reporters Wu Yujia and Fu Wenchao

Since July, there have been rare sustained high temperature weather in many parts of the country. In order to help sanitation workers, traffic police, takeaways and other outdoor workers to solve the problem of summer escape, on July 26, the “Tongcheng Station” launched by Tongcheng Travel and Baidu Maps and specially supported by eLong Hotel Technology is in many cities across the country. The establishment can provide various summer and rest services for outdoor workers, so that hard workers can rest when they are tired and drink water when they are thirsty.

At present, the first batch of “Tongcheng Stations” covers Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Changsha, Nanning, Suzhou, etc. 76 hotels in 8 cities. At the same time, Baidu Maps also marked the information of the hotels that provided the small station service. Hotels that have opened this service will provide them with services such as public rest areas, free tea, and charging.

The relevant person in charge said that the original intention of the establishment was to jointly provide the convenience of work and travel for outdoor workers by leveraging the advantages of the Tongcheng travel platform and industry chain and the technical advantages of Baidu Maps.

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