Lushan County: Sending doctors and medicines to the “March 8” free clinic in the deep mountains warms people’s hearts


Henan Economic News reporter Gina correspondent Wang Yongan Chen Pengxu

On March 8, the Second People’s Hospital of Lushan County, Henan Province organized a medical team of experts, carrying color Doppler ultrasound, electrocardiogram, blood glucose meter and other medical equipment and value With more than 50,000 yuan of medicines, they went to Xinzhuang Village, Yaoshan Town, a hundred miles away, to hold a free health diagnosis activity of “free medical treatment at the grassroots level, sending doctors and medicines to warm people’s hearts”.

At the event site, more than 200 residents came for consultation, and medical experts conducted detailed diagnosis and treatment of the patients who came to see the doctor. , to answer the questions raised by the villagers one by one, and distribute popular science propaganda materials. Li Juntao, director of the internal medicine department of the hospital, also treated patients with frozen shoulder and lumbar intervertebral disc herniation with acupuncture and moxibustion on the spot.

“I didn’t expect to be able to get expert diagnosis and treatment without leaving home. I’m really lucky. Lushan County is the second The doctors in the People’s Hospital are really professional and patient.” “Thanks to the Party and the Second Hospital. The doctors in the city have traveled so far to come to our Xinzhuang Village to provide free medical treatment, free examinations, and free medicines to the villagers. We are very happy. …” Wei Chunxiang, a villager in Xinzhuang Village, Yaoshan Town, said during a medical examination.

Zhang Junli, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Second People’s Hospital of Lushan County, introduced that the hospital hopes to hold this event on the “March 8th” Women’s Day, so that people can enjoy high-quality professional medical care without leaving home Service, truly expand the activity of “I work for the masses” in depth, solve problems for the masses of the people, and contribute to the construction of “Healthy China”.

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