From the advanced stage of lung cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, without chemotherapy and without anticancer drugs, he summed up 9 anti-cancer experiences

He is known as “China’s first successful anti-cancer person”. From the advanced stage of lung cancer, he is expected to live up to three months, and now he is still healthy and enjoys life enthusiastically. What has he done?

01, his father died of lung cancer, and he was sentenced to live less than three months

Ling Zhijun was no stranger to this cancer before he was diagnosed with lung cancer .

He was not the first to develop lung cancer in his family. His father Ling Jianhua died of lung cancer. At that time, Ling Zhijun had just passed the self-study and was a graduate student of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He was about to share the good news with his family, but his mother told him that his father had not much time left…

Ling Zhijun and his family knew very little about cancer at that time and had no choice but to follow the doctor’s advice. However, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, everything they could do, and my father left them two years later.

The departure of my father reminds Ling Zhijun: Be sure to exercise well Body.

HoweverCancer is still eyeing him, in 2007, after writing ” China’s New Revolution”, he suddenly fainted, accompanied by his wife for an examination, and it was found that he had advanced lung cancer with shadows all over his body. Cancer cells have spread everywhere, and doctors sayBe prepared that you may not live more than three months.

Ling Zhijun was very puzzled, he had already paid attention, and his body was usually tough, how could he suddenly become terminal lung cancer.

02, looking for doctors everywhere, only surgery but no chemotherapy

After the diagnosis, Ling Zhijun began to seek doctors everywhere, but I found that doctors couldn’t really empathize, so I chose to find relevant cancer information and began to study it.

Soon, my sister who studied medicine contacted several Belgian experts for online consultation. After discussion, they came to the conclusion that the tumor in Ling Zhijun’s brain and lungs There is a high probability that the tumor in the department is irrelevant.

But due to the inaccuracy of remote judgment, they recommended a lung cancer treatment expert to Ling Zhijun. Finally, the plan given by this expert is: chemotherapy, combined with anticancer drugs.

At that time, Ling Zhijun thought of his father. After receiving chemotherapy, side effects followed one after another, and he did not want to be like that himself.

Ling Zhijun thought that even if he had only 3 months to live, he would not be willing to spend it on the hospital bed. So he only underwent surgery, and did not participate in chemotherapy, nor did he take anticancer drugs. After being discharged from the hospital, he lived in seclusion in a small courtyard outside Shenzhen.

03, reborn, he shares anti-cancer methods

Away from disturbances, he started a “slow life” in a secluded courtyard. He is no longer busy every day. He has more time to spend with his family and do what he wants to do. After recuperating, Ling Zhijun’s body improved greatly, so he went to the hospital for a re-examination and found that the tumor had signs of shrinkage.

Ling Zhijun believes that medical treatment is only an auxiliary means, and whether cancer patients can recover or not depends mainly on their psychological and physical fitness. He proposed “non-medical treatment”, and believed that the standard treatment of mental and physical comfort through psychological reconstruction is also what cancer patients need to pay attention to.

In 2012, Ling Zhijun successfully fought cancer. He wrote this anti-cancer experience as The new book “Rebirth Notes”, summarizes my anti-cancer methods as “nine strategies for recovery”:

< ul>

  • Establish a correct concept of treatment and do not over-treat;
  • change the wrong lifestyle;
  • < span>Don’t take time, let yourself slow down and be quiet;
  • Focus on “eating, drinking and sleeping”;
  • Go to bed early, get up early, don’t stay up late;
  • breathe deeply;
  • get more sun;
  • < li>Cultivation in a good mood;

  • Walk more if you have nothing to do;
  • Cancer is not a terminal illness Don’t give up hope of life.

    04. Why is lung cancer easy to be diagnosed at an advanced stage?

    In my country, about 80% of lung cancer patients were diagnosed with unsatisfactory conditions and missed the best treatment period. Why is lung cancer so hard to detect?

    Yang Shuanying, director of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University, said, there are no typical symptoms in the early stage of lung cancer, even if there is cough, chest tightness, fever and loss of appetite, the symptoms are similar to those of other diseases on weekdays, and most people rarely think about the lungscancer.

    Secondly, the lung itself is a special organ.Only when the tumor grows to a certain size, will it compress other organs and cause pain and cough. Blood and other symptoms, when these symptoms appear, it is often already in the middle and late stages of lung cancer.

    Common symptoms of lung cancer include,cough (75%), hemoptysis (35%), chest tightness (60%), chest pain ( 49%) and unexplained weight loss (68%). When the above symptoms occur, patients should be vigilant and conduct relevant investigations as soon as possible.

    Faced with early lung cancer symptoms, the best screening method is to screen low-dose CT once a year for high-risk groups. According to the Chinese Medical Association’s Lung Cancer Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines (2022 Edition), it is pointed out that those who are more than 45 years old and have one of the following risks belong to the high-risk group:

    • Smoking
    • History of secondhand smoke or environmental oil fume inhalation
    • occupational carcinogen exposure
    • Personal history of cancer
    • Family history of lung cancer in immediate family members
    • History of chronic lung disease li>

    05. Is cancer cured or scared to death?

    Overtreatment, that is, medical behavior that exceeds the needs of the patient’s own disease. In cancer treatment, there is indeed a risk of overtreatment. From a certain point of view, overtreatment is harmful and causes immunity System damage, increase the psychological burden of patients, and lead to aggravation of cancer.

    In order to avoid overtreatment, it is recommended to grasp the following points:

    1. Patients and their families should learn about the disease through correct channels Knowledge of the cause and prognosis;

    2. The patient should take the initiative to consult the attending doctor and express their concerns and doubts; p>

    3. After diagnosis, patients and their families should not blindly listen to “grass news”, but should seek well-known hospitals or doctors in the field through scientific channels for communication and treatment;

    4. After the doctor gives advice, the patient should make a rational judgment as to whether to treat and how to treat it. You can consult several different specialists for comprehensive consideration.

    In addition, in the process of cancer treatment, psychological counseling is also the key. According to statistics from an article in The Lancet, 40% of patients will develop anxiety and depression, which greatly reduces the quality of life of cancer patients and reduces the effect of treatment.

    Treatment is not only physical therapy, but also psychological therapy. Patients should adjust their mentality to face life positively, face up to their inner fears, fight cancer scientifically, and face treatment with optimism in order not to be swayed by the disease.


    [1] “Ling Zhijun: “The first person who succeeded in fighting cancer”, from the advanced stage of cancer to the disappearance of the tumor, what did he do”. Chopping Chai Academy. 2022-05-25

    [2] “It is also advanced lung cancer, some people can Live for years! It turned out to be related to this…”. Health Times. 2021-10-29

    [3] References: Chinese Medical Association Oncology Branch, Chinese Medical Association Journal. Chinese Medical Association Lung Cancer Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines ( 2022 edition) [J]. Chinese Journal of Oncology, 2022, 44(6): 457-490.

    [4] “Overtreatment is more terrible than cancer itself! “.Meizhongjiahe Cancer Prevention and Treatment.2020-11-05

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