Hot New Voice | Anesthesiologist Interview Program-Professor Xu Jin

The medical industry has developed so far, anesthesiology has become a magical “special force” in clinical practice. Anesthesiologists, as “heroes behind the shadows”, their work revolves around the entire perioperative period, but this role is seldom known to the public. The young and middle-aged backbone physicians in the anesthesiology department conducted interviews, talked about their experiences in scientific research, work or life from their perspectives, shared their insights, and inspired the majority of young physicians. From behind the scenes to the front of the stage, it further demonstrated the energetic and enthusiastic working status of anesthesiologists.

<< strong data-brushtype="text">Research articlessubscription No.:

Compared with other departments, what are the difficulties of anesthesiologists doing scientific research?

Professor Xu Jin: “with other departments In comparison, there are indeed many difficulties for anesthesiologists to do scientific research.”First of all, hospitals at all levels across the country are facing the problem of shortage of anesthesiologists, and the clinical work of anesthesiologists It is already very busy and cannot spare time for scientific research; secondly, the anesthesia department in some hospitals is in a bottleneck state of basic scientific research, and cannot find an effective way to cooperate with other institutions; The surgical characteristics of the hospital have certain passiveness, which are the difficulties for anesthesiologists to do scientific research.

02Works Professor Xu Jin: “With the advancement of the concept of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) and comfortable diagnosis and treatment, the discipline of anesthesiology has continued to develop, and it has gradually been recognized by other departments and patients. ”I chose anesthesiology during my undergraduate studies, and I had many hands-on opportunities during the internship, which gave me a great sense of achievement. With the longer working hours, the daily clinical tasks are very heavy.Due to insufficient publicity, the public does not know much about the anesthesia profession, and anesthesiologists often become the “heroes behind the scenes” of an operation. It is worth emphasizing that with the advancement of the concept of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) and comfortable diagnosis and treatment, the discipline of anesthesiology has continued to develop, and has gradually been recognized by other departments and patients. Taking ERAS as an example, the teamwork involving multiple disciplines, Anesthesiology has played a very important role in it, involving all aspects of preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative management. Taking our hospital as an example, orthopedic surgery is a characteristic surgery in our hospital, and the degree of pain after orthopedic surgery is very serious. However, relying on the perioperative management measures guided by the ERAS concept, the patients can spend the perioperative period very comfortably and greatly improve the satisfaction of the patients; and the department of anesthesiology also leads the emergency treatment of orthopedic patients with multiple injuries. The doctors in the department also participated in the management of the entire perioperative period, and this part of the clinical work in the hospital improved the status of the anesthesiology department in the hospital and in the minds of patients.

p>03Life class=”content_title=” vision anesthesia subscription number:

What is your biggest hobby in your limited spare time?

Professor Xu Jin: “In fact, a football game Very similar to surgical management, it emphasizes the cooperation between teams, which can not only exercise, increase friendship, but also relieve stress.”Because the working environment of anesthesiologists is relatively closed, Therefore, in my limited spare time, I like to play football outdoors, and I usually have appointments with doctors of various specialties in other hospitals to play games together, thus enhancing the communication between various specialties< span>. In fact, football matches are very similar to surgical management. It emphasizes the cooperation between teams. It can not only exercise, increase friendship, but also relieve stress. It is a hobby that I want to keep going. vision anesthesia subscription number:

Why do you choose to be an anesthesiologist Doctor, does it come from the influence of life?

Professor Xu Jin: “Anesthesia is amazing, I also I chose the major of anesthesia, and the knowledge I learned from medical school also answered my mother’s questions one after another, so I also entered the anesthesiology department.”I My mother was in poor health and had undergone several surgeries during my university studies, and each time my mother received general anesthesia. After the operation, my mother would say to me, “The anesthesia is amazing, I fell asleep after the mask was buckled for a while.” This inspired and influenced me a lot. I also chose anesthesia during my undergraduate studies. The knowledge I learned from medical school also answered my mother’s questions one after another, and I also entered the anesthesiology department.


Xu Jin /span>

Tianjin Hospital

Tianjin Tianjin Hospital Second Department of Anesthesiology Director, postdoctoral fellow, deputy chief physician

The first batch of new medical talents in Tianjin

Member of Tianjin Medical Association Anesthesiology Branch

Member of Tianjin Blood Transfusion Society Perioperative Blood Transfusion Committee

Member of the Standing Committee of the Young and Middle-aged Physician Branch of Tianjin Medical and Health Association


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p>(This platform is released simultaneously with vision anesthesia vision)

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