A healthy kidney can prolong your life! 5 simple ways to nourish the kidney, come and learn!

  • The kidneys are not good, people are easy to age – the skin will become dull, Black eye sockets, obvious bags under the eyes, premature graying of hair, and hair loss;
  • The kidneys are not good, which affects the brain — studies have shown that people with kidney problems suffer from stroke And the risk of Alzheimer’s will also increase;
  • The kidney is not good, and the heart is also involved – according to statistics, the risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease is 10- 20 times;
  • Kidney is not good, bones are easily damaged – kidney damage can easily lead to osteoporosis, bone pain, pathological fractures and other symptoms.

    The kidney is innate. It is believed that the kidney needs to be nourished only in winter, but in fact, summer is also a period of high incidence of kidney disease.

    Today, I will share with you the cheapest and simple health strategy, 5 strokes to help you strengthen your kidneys and strengthen your bones.

    Note:Please follow the doctor’s advice for specific treatment and medication!

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    • This article is from: Capital Traditional Chinese Medicine Content fromSource: CCTV Life Circle WeChat, Life Times WeChat The pictures are from the Internet.Right to Delete

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    • This official account shares articles and videos for learning exchange and ideas reference only. Non-traditional Chinese medicine professionals should not arbitrarily test medicines.

    • Editor: Xu Yang