The hidden crisis in summer, once the defense is broken, it will even wake up cancer cells

In recent days, many parts of the country have been shrouded in hot weather. For cancer patients, summer is a difficult “dangerous period”. If they cannot be dealt with effectively, it may cause the tumor treatment to stop and go backwards, and the patient’s mood, mental state, psychology, diet and other aspects are also prone to discomfort.

In this issue, we have sorted out the 7 questions that friends are most concerned about in the summer, covering treatment, life, diet and other aspects , Do these little things well, and spend the summer in a safe and stress-free way!

01summer Careful care of wounds and PICC tubesIn the hot and humid weather in summer, if the patient’s wounds and PICC tubes are not properly cared for, bacteria are easy to multiply and grow, and it is easy Infection. Wound care suggestions: If there is a small amount of bleeding at the incision, it is normal, and the dressing can be changed, but if span>Large bruises under the skin, or obvious swelling and bruising at the incision, or a large amount of bright red fluid from the drainage bottle, then Please return to the hospital as soon as possible. After using elastic bandages after the operation, you should pay attention to observe the dark red color of the skin flap. If you find that the blood circulation is poor, you should seek medical help in time. Avoid tight sleeves and try to wear a soft cotton cardigan. At the same time, avoid mosquito bites, avoid carrying heavy objects, and rub the floor hard [1]. PICC tube care:It is easy to sweat in summer, so the patient should keep the skin of the puncture site clean and dry. hospital treatment. The patient can take a bath with this tube, but only shower, not tub or bath. Wrap 2-3 turns of plastic wrap around the bend of the elbow before showering, and then tape the upper and lower edges to prevent water Enter, shower and check under the clear dressing for water soaking. Pay attention to prevent the catheter from coming out when putting on and taking off clothes, sleeping, urinating, and changing the applicator. Also, do not play with exposed catheters as this will pull the catheter out of the body [2]. 02< strong>You need to pay attention to these points when wearing a wig in summerWearing a layer of wig in the hot summer is like entering a large airtight oven, not only the scalp is stuffy and airtight, but also The body also felt extremely uncomfortable. Moreover, wearing a wig for a long time will also cause blockage and inflammation of the hair follicles, and the original hair will also fall off. If you don’t want to kill your new hair in the cradle, but at the same time wear a wig to stay beautiful, it is recommended to do the following. Precautions for choosing a wig:Pay attention to the breathability of the wig, try not to choose cheap chemical hair, and choose soft, comfortable and breathable hair net materials , At the same time, the wig can choose not too much hair volume, not stuffy scalp, and it will be much more comfortable to wear. Appropriately put some loose powder on the scalp before wearing the wig, which can play the role of absorbing oil, it is recommended Don’t be lazy after applying loose powder, wash your hair more diligently. Pay attention to wearing wigsSunscreen, which can not only avoid sun damage to the scalp, but also avoid damage to the wig hair. Summer wigs are easy to secrete more oil, sweat and smell after wearing a wig for a long time. Therefore, when wearing a wig, it is best to wash your hair every night to remove the hair on the scalp. Oil and dirt, keep your scalp and wig clean and hygienic. If you are not very good at taking care of wigs, you can hand them over to a professional barber shop to clean them to avoid damage to the wig quality and deformation. 03< strong>Summer “defense battle” for radiotherapy patientsIf skin care and sun protection are not done well after radiotherapy, strong sun exposure may aggravate these symptoms, and even cause skin ulceration and erosion. Radiation therapy was not discontinued. Do the following points, chemotherapy patients can also spend the summer safely. Precautions for radiotherapy patients: The skin sweats a lot in summer, so those who are undergoing radiotherapy should keep skin clean and dry /strong>;Sweaty clothes should be replaced in time, and the clothes should be selected as soft, loose and absorbent cotton materials as possible to reduce friction on the skin; Do not apply any medicines, cosmetics or skin lubricants to the radiotherapy site without the permission of your doctor to avoid increasing skin reactions; When the skin is itchy, do not scratch the skin with your fingernails, you can use your hands to pat the itchy area to distract your attention[3];Even several months after radiation therapy, care must be taken that not direct UV rays to the area near the body for radiation therapy. When you go out, you should protect your skin with clothes to avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet rays. You need to take sunshade measures, such as umbrellas, sun hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen clothing. 04Is it too hot to wear breast implants in summer? Breast implants restore a woman’s body image and promote mental health. But in the face of the hot summer, wearing prosthetic breasts has become a difficult problem: what should I do if it is too hot to wear prosthetic breasts in summer? In the sultry summer season, the ventilation and comfort of breast implants is very important. At present, there are many types of silicone breast implants on the market, which can be roughly divided into two types: those with membranes and those without membranes. Among them, non-membrane breast implantsis all silicone breast implants;membrane breast implants< /strong>, the surface film is generally polyurethane, polyethylene and other synthetic materials. relatively speaking,the weight and material of the breast implants are very important, it is very important to Fever patients need to choose carefully [4]. For those who are worried that they will be seen by others when wearing a breast implant, they can also use a special breast implant bra after choosing the right breast implant. All in all, although breast implants cannot completely replace lost breasts, suitable breast implants can help patients improve their physical appearance, prevent long-term complications, and improve their quality of life. 05Summer Endocrine Therapy Period< /strong>What about hot flashes and insomnia? Hot flashes and insomnia are common side effects of endocrine therapy, and these symptoms will be magnified again in the hot summer, which will lead to low immunity and even affect the treatment effect in the long run. [5]. Heat flashes: Lifestyle changes, such as saying goodbye to high-fat foods, choosing a low-fat diet, and maintaining moderate exercise can all reduce hot flash symptoms. ;Hot flashes can make people feel irritable and irritable. At this time, deep breaths can be used to maintain a stable breathing rhythm, which can control hot flashes to a certain extent. Insomnia treatment:Don’t be greedy for cold in summer, take a warm bath before going to bed, which can not only relax tense nerves, relieve fatigue, but also Wash off the sweat from your body and let you fall asleep quickly;The days are long and the nights are short in summer. During the long day, you can take a 15-30 minute nap, which does not take up sleep time at night, but also restarts the brain and is full of vitality. ;Avoid drinking strong coffee, strong tea, alcohol, and eating spicy food before going to bed. For those who have difficulty falling asleep, you can drink hot milk before going to bed to help them fall asleep; If the air conditioner is turned on or the temperature of the air conditioner is too low, it will cause “air conditioner disease” and reduce the patient’s immunity. It is recommended that the air conditioner should be kept at around 24°C -25°C to create a good sleeping environment. 06Breast Cancer Summer Diet Essentials In the hot summer, grasping the principles of diet and having a reasonable diet can improve the immunity of cancer patients and promote recovery. It is recommended that patients eat a reasonable diet, mainly light, such as the following “three cleans” principles:One should be cool , choose a variety of vegetables and fruits, such as bitter gourd, cucumber, etc.; Tomato, eggplant, celery, seaweed, etc; , Poultry-based, such as chicken, duck and goose, should not eat hot and greasy food, to avoid heat and dryness damage the body[6]. Cooking methods includesteaming, stewing, stir-frying, and salads Appropriate, but also control the intake of oil and salt every day. Diet points:If you have symptoms such as cold limbs, abdominal distension, diarrhea and loose stools, you should not eat too much Drink mung bean soup, otherwise it will aggravate the symptoms of the disease; Bitter melon is bitter and cold, and has the function of clearing away heat and purging fire. It can relieve summer heat and relieve fatigue, stimulate people’s appetite, appetize, strengthen the stomach, and help digestion. However, eat “bitter” in moderation. Excessive consumption or consumption of bitter food may damage the spleen and stomach, causing side effects such as nausea and vomiting. For patients with poor appetite in summer, it is recommended to take a few slices of ginger before meals to stimulate the secretion of saliva, gastric juice and digestive juice, increase gastrointestinal motility and increase appetite span>[7]. Summer is the season of frequent diseases, especially intestinal diseases. Avoid eating spoiled and moldy food to avoid diarrhea, food poisoning, etc., which will affect the treatment and delay the disease. You can eat more “sterilizing” vegetables such as garlic, onions, leeks, green onions, and chives to prevent intestinal diseases. 07Summer summer can’t be taken for granted< /strong>After the summer solstice, the temperature will continue to rise, and the human body will also experience certain discomfort. Many patients will try their best to prevent heatstroke and cool down, but many people have suffered damage due to improper measures. Healthy body. Relieving the heat can not be taken for granted, pay attention to the following points! Helps to cool off the heat:Avoid taking a bath immediately to cool down after sweating profusely. After the heat has dissipated, take some cooling measures;When using the air conditioner, you should pay attention to the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor should not be too large. After using the air conditioner for a period of time, it must be ventilated. It is recommended to use it in a small room. Open the door halfway during air conditioning;tumor patients should avoid eating too much cold food in summer, and can choose mung bean soup, sour plum soup, winter melon soup, etc., which can not only cool off the heat, but also be very healthy; In summer, the human body is very prone to sweating, and it is easy to lose more water and electrolytes. You should not wait until you are thirsty to drink water. Drink more than 1,500ml of water per dayDrink some green tea, light salt water, etc.[8]. In addition, when going out in summer, it is necessary not only to protect from sunscreen but also to prevent heatstroke. For cancer patients, heat stroke is an accelerator for cancer, which will lead to the “breakdown” of the body’s immune system, making cancer cells more rampant. Therefore, it is recommended that friends looking for: when going out in summer, in addition to sunscreen, sunglasses, umbrellas, sun hats, sun protection clothing, etc. can be arranged.< strong>Protect against ultraviolet rays from the sun; try to use cotton, linen and silk fabrics for clothes, wear less chemical fiber clothing< /span>, so as not to be unable to dissipate heat in time when sweating profusely, causing heat stroke. In addition, make careful plans before going out in summer. For example, it is best to avoid the noon time, try to arrange the time in the morning or evening, and try to exercise or rest in the shade as much as possible. , avoid direct sunlight[9]. When you go out, you can carry some wind essential oil, Huoxiangzhengqi water, etc. with you in case of emergency. ENDSummer is a big test for cancer patients both physically and mentally. In such a season, friends looking for should try to maintain a good attitude, do not add unnecessary troubles to themselves, pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling, pay attention to the quality of sleep, and then regularly review according to the doctor’s instructions to prevent tumors from entering while they are still empty. Summer is stress-free! Click Follow to learn more about breast cancer