A post-95 girl was diagnosed with respiratory alkalosis because she was urged to marry…

Source: Shenyang Evening News

July 19

“Girls born after 1995 are overly alkalescent due to anxiety about urging marriage”

The topic sparked heated discussions among netizens< /p>

Recently, a 27-year-old girl from Jinan, Shandong went to Qilu Hospital of Shandong University for medical treatment due to dyspnea, numbness and convulsions, and was diagnosed with respiratory alkalosis Poisoning, the reason is that her parents kept urging marriage, and the woman finally had symptoms after quarreling with her parents.

According to Dr. Chen Liang, deputy director of the emergency department of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, the woman felt suffocated after the fight and gasped repeatedly. After some treatment, the patient’s symptoms were relieved.

In this regard, Dr. Chen said that the most common patients with respiratory alkalosis are women and some children with large mood swings. , it will break the state of acid-base balance, and may develop disease, which is respiratory alkalosis.

The doctor introduced that its treatment method is relatively simple, and it is necessary to appease the patient’s mood and calm down the state of tension and anxiety. The doctor reminds everyone to properly control their emotions and avoid excessive emotional fluctuations. If the symptoms cannot be relieved, they should seek medical attention immediately.

In this regard, some netizens said, “Isn’t there a lot of people who don’t get married on 27 and 28? Parents should give their children more freedom.”

Some netizens said, “They urged them , don’t be angry with yourself” “My mother scolds me, I always put my left ear in and my right ear out.”

What is respiratory alkalosis?

Respiratory alkalosis refers to a balance disorder in which the blood pH becomes alkaline, which is characterized by an increase in pH, which is caused by the reduction of carbon dioxide in the body due to excessive pulmonary ventilation, which in turn leads to abnormal blood pH.

It is reported that excessive anger, quarrels, and emotional agitation in daily life may lead to excessive breathing rate, which may cause respiratory alkalosis. In addition, respiratory alkalosis may also occur due to metabolic causes such as hyperthyroidism, fever, infection, or hyperventilation from the central nervous system.

The mild symptoms of respiratory alkalosis include: numbness around the mouth, numbness in the fingertips, dizziness, chest tightness, etc.; while severe patients may have convulsions, confusion, and then cause real heart problems.

How to deal with “respiratory alkalosis”?

The doctor recommends dealing with respiratory alkalosis. It is necessary to understand the patient’s primary disease. For hyperventilation caused by anger, the patient’s emotions should be appeased first. When there are serious symptoms such as convulsions and confusion, should seek medical attention in time.

Changes in the six major organs of the body after getting angry

1. Heart blood flow doubled

When angry, the contractility of the heart Strengthen, the heart beats faster, a lot of blood rushes to the heart, and the heart needs to work harder. Then there will be arrhythmia, myocardial ischemia, chest tightness, palpitation, and even induce angina pectoris and myocardial infarction.

2. The liver is bigger than usual

After getting angry, the liver is the first to hurt! If you are often angry, liver disease and even cirrhosis will occur.

3. The immune system strikes for 6 hours

Emotions are controlled by dopamine secreted by the brain, and dopamine affects the secretion of many other hormones in the body.

When we are angry, our brain commands the body to secrete a corticosteroid. If this hormone accumulates too much in the body, it will hinder the operation of immune cells and reduce the body’s resistance. So it is no exaggeration to get angry once and the immune system goes on strike for 6 hours!

4. The alveoli continue to expand when angry

When people are emotionally impulsive, their breathing will become rapid, and even hyperventilation will occur. At this time, the alveoli will keep expanding, and there is no time to contract, so many people will have lung pain. This is why people often say, “the lungs are going to explode” when they are angry.

5. Gastrointestinal disorders when angry

When you are angry, your stomach will be angry too! This is because the blood flow in the stomach is reduced, the blood supply is insufficient, and the gastrointestinal motility is difficult, causing the gastrointestinal “passive slack”.

Angry can also cause sympathetic nerve excitation, resulting in decreased gastrointestinal blood flow, slowed peristalsis, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal disorders, gastric ulcers, etc.

6. When angry, the thyroid gland will secrete too much hormone

When angry, the endocrine system will be disturbed and the thyroid gland will secrete too much hormone. Over time, it can lead to hyperthyroidism.

What to do when you are angry

1. Drink a glass of water

Drinking a glass of water when you are angry can promote free fatty acids in the body excreted, reducing toxicity.

2. Take a deep breath

When you encounter unpleasant things, you can take a deep breath and raise your hands horizontally to adjust your physical state and expel toxins from your body. You can also find a comfortable seat to sit down, close your eyes, and take a deep breath.

3. Remembering good things

Smile as much as possible and recall pleasant things, which can restore the rhythm of the heartbeat and make the blood flow more uniform.

4. Set a time limit

When you find yourself angry, you may wish to set a time limit.Take a few minutes, like 5 minutes, to vent your emotions, and after that, don’t get overly angry about it. It may be difficult to do this at the beginning. You can imagine putting the unhappy things in a box and throwing them away. Practice slowly, and you can control your mood and face it calmly.

What level of anxiety do you reach?

Everyone will feel anxious more or less. Moderate anxiety can become a driving force. Once excessive, it will develop into an anxiety disorder and endanger itself. mental and physical health.

The Anxiety Self-Rating Scale (SAS), compiled by William W.K. Zung, a professor at Duke University, can help you initially judge the severity of anxiety.

There are 20 questions below, please read each one carefully and choose the appropriate answer according to your actual feeling in the last week.

Test results: According to the results of the Chinese norm, the cut-off value of the SAS standard deviation is 50 points, of which 50-59 points are mild anxiety, 60- A score of 69 indicates moderate anxiety, and a score above 69 indicates severe anxiety. (Note: It is only a self-assessment reminder and cannot be used as a basis for diagnosis. If the self-assessment score is high, it does not necessarily mean that you have an anxiety disorder. If necessary, please consult a doctor.)

Anxiety How to deal with it if it persists for a long time

Many people feel at a loss for their anxiety. How to overcome and relieve anxiety?

1. Find the source of anxiety

Analyze where your anxiety comes from, and then break down each one. For example, if you are confused about the direction of your career development, you might as well analyze your own situation calmly, find the path that suits you best, and then make up your mind to let it go.

2. Don’t anticipate the outcome in advance

Doing anything will face challenges. It’s normal to be nervous. This is called anticipatory anxiety. At this point, don’t think too much about the result, try to get a sense of accomplishment from it.

3. Divert attention

Once you start to fall into anxiety, you should remind yourself to distract yourself in time to prevent your mood from getting worse. Do something you enjoy, such as watching a movie, listening to music, or reading an interesting book, as well as running and doing housework to keep yourself out of your thoughts.

4. Deep breathing

Deep breathing (abdominal breathing method) also helps to eliminate anxiety, it can increase the range of motion of the diaphragm, thereby increasing lung capacity and more oxygen uptake It helps to improve cardiorespiratory function.

5. Simplify life

Relieve stress through simplification, such as cleaning up unnecessary things, reducing living space, shortening the distance to and from get off work, reducing screen time, and being close Naturally, add greenery to your desk.

6. Appropriate exercise

Aerobic exercise for about half an hour every day can allow you to inhale more oxygen, help the body to discharge waste, and promote physical and mental health .

7. Meditation

Find a quiet environment, close your eyes, let yourself go into meditation. Meditating daily can help us get through our busy lives and promote physical and mental well-being.