For the safety of tourists and to protect the ecology, Fangshan Juma River prohibits wading activities

Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Chen Qiang

Zhangfang Town and Shidu Town, Fangshan District, recently issued notices. Since the water level of the Juma River Basin continued to rise after the rainy season, in order to ensure the safety of the citizens, the Activities such as splashing in the water, fishing, and camping are prohibited along the Ma River. The staff of Fangshan District Ecological Environment Bureau stated that since August 2018, Juma River Aquatic Wildlife Nature Reserve has completely banned tourism projects such as water cruises and bamboo rafts. When tourists travel to Shidu and other scenic spots, they should not participate in any water surface in this area. project.

Zhangfang Town Flood Control Captain Li Yu’an said, Juma River has different depths and tourists rush into the river, which may be dangerous. One foot of water just crossed the ankle, and the next one was flooded. Moreover, the mud on the Juma River bed was very slippery, and coupled with the force of the river water, people could not stand at all.” Li Yuan said, Flood Control The team staff do not rest every day, patrol along the river, and arrange special personnel at the entrance to the Juma River to discourage tourists.

Juma River prohibits wading activities, not only to ensure the safety of citizens, but also to protect the water quality of Juma River. An earlier photo taken by the flood control team showed that not far from the river, tourists were barbecuing and camping recklessly. Bamboo sticks, food packaging bags, and toilet paper were scattered all over the place. “The water quality of the Juma River is the best in Fangshan, and it can also be ranked in the forefront of the city. At the same time, there are drinking water sources in the Juma River Aquatic Wildlife Nature Reserve, which is responsible for Fangshan City, Fengtai, Shijingshan, etc. The task of water supply to the ground.” The staff of the Fangshan District Ecological Environment Bureau said, “I hope that every tourist who comes to the Juma River Basin to experience the beautiful scenery can cherish this piece of clean water.”

The Juma River Aquatic Wildlife Nature Reserve distinguishes the core area and the buffer area. The core area is from Houshimen Highway Bridge in Shidu Town to Sidu Bridge in Shidu Town, with a total length of 40 kilometers, a river width of 150 meters, and an area of ​​6 square kilometers. The upstream buffer zone extends from the Houshimen Highway Bridge in Shidu Town to the The Langya River in Hebei Province extends from Sidu Bridge in Shidu Town to Zhangfang Bridge in Zhangfang Town. The two river sections are 35 kilometers long and cover an area of ​​5.25 square kilometers. In order to better protect the ecological environment, starting from August 2018, Juma River Aquatic Wildlife Nature Reserve has completely banned tourism projects such as water cruises and bamboo rafts.

The good ecological environment along the Juma River has attracted more than 70 black storks, which are national first-class protected animals, to settle here. In recent years, rare birds such as oriental white stork and Chinese merganser duck have appeared here, becoming a veritable “bird paradise” and an excellent footnote to the improving ecological environment in southwest Beijing.