Beware of Heat Stroke! Blue friends teach you “six-character tactics”, which can save lives at critical moments!

[Source: Tongling Fire Protection]

Recently, heat stroke and heat stroke caused by high temperature As the number of cases increases, “high temperature and heat”, “heat stroke” and other related keywords are popular Even higher. The National Climate Center’s monitoring shows that since June, “high temperature event”It has lasted for more than 40 days, affecting more than 900 million people, and the highest temperature in many parts of the country has broken historical extremes.

The authoritative answer released by the National Health and Medical Commission on the 15th pointed out that heat stroke is the most serious case of heat-related emergencies, that is, severe heat stroke, which is caused by exposure to In a high-temperature and high-humidity environment, the body’s regulatory function is unbalanced, and heat production is greater than heat dissipation, resulting in a rapid increase in core temperature, exceeding 40 °C, accompanied by severe and fatal skin burning, disturbance of consciousness (such as delirium, convulsions, coma) and multiple organ dysfunction. Sexually transmitted diseases are the most serious type of heat stroke, and once they occur, the mortality rate is extremely high.

The main symptoms of heat stroke and heat stroke are:

How to prevent heat stroke in high temperature? How to do first aid for heat stroke? Regarding these issues, Anhui Fire Protection reminds you: Keep in mind the “six-character formula for on-site first aid”, namely “moving”, “taking off”, “wiping”, “serving”, “pinch”, “sending”, life-saving at critical moments!

1. Move – quickly move the patient to a cool place Ventilation

Quickly move the patient to a cool and ventilated area Place the patient on their back, and use fans, electric fans, and air conditioners to ventilate and dissipate heat.

Second, take off – take off clothes to quickly dissipate heat

Remove the patient’s excess or tight clothing immediately to help dissipate heat.

Third, rubbing – cold water rubbing the body to cool down quickly

One is to wipe the patient’s body with cold water or alcohol; the other is to use a wet cool towel or ice pack, ice cubes to place on the patient’s head, neck, armpit, thigh root, groin and other large arteries; Third, you can also spray tap water on the patient’s body or place it directly in a bathtub or basin.

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Fourth, take — take medicine, add water< /span>

Rehydrate with salty beverages; use a cool damp towel or Ice packs and ice cubes are placed on the patient’s head, neck, armpit, thigh root, groin and other large arteries and blood vessels. You can also spray tap water on the patient’s body or place it directly in a bathtub or basin.

Five, pinch – press acupoints to relieve symptoms

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Traditional Chinese medicine refers to heat stroke as Sha, and the treatment is to clear the heat and relieve the heat and calm the heart. Acupuncture is the main method, and pointers can also be used. The main acupoints are: lily, water Ditch, Hegu, Shixuan, Dazhui, Neiguan, Quze. At the scene, the pointer can be used to pinch people, point Baihui, and touch the back of the ear. Scraping and warm ironing can also be used.

Six, send – emergency medical treatment and timely treatment

Severe heatstroke patients should be sent to the hospital immediately. Vehicles should be kept ventilated, and it is best to use air-conditioned vehicles to transfer patients. Continue to use physical cooling measures on the way to protect the brain, heart and lungs and other important organs. Watch closely for changes in body temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure, and consciousness. When transporting patients, use a stretcher to lift them, and do not allow patients to walk to the hospital.

other than physical heatstroke< /span>
and beyond heat stroke
Also always be on the lookout for “emotional heatstroke”< /span>
Ensuring a happy, healthy summer
Over the summer!

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