Summer vacation students crowded the acne clinic, experts: acne “just grows up” is a misunderstanding

Changjiang Daily Wuhan Client, July 20th Xiaoming, a 17-year-old high school student who has been fighting acne for half a year, finally bid farewell to the pustules and pimples all over his face and returned to the peak of his appearance and regained his confidence . On the 20th, a reporter from Changjiang Daily learned from the dermatology clinics of many hospitals in Wuhan that since the summer vacation, patients from major hospitals who came to see a doctor for acne quickly took the first place, and 80% of them were students. A considerable number of people are afraid of delaying the study of diagnosis and treatment, resulting in more serious symptoms, scars, acne marks, and enlarged pores, which are very difficult for doctors to treat.

17-year-old Xiaoming from Huanggang, Hubei, started to have acne on his face two years ago. It’s quite normal to have acne during puberty, and parents don’t take it seriously. Unexpectedly, the acne grows more and more. His mother took him to a local hospital, but the control was not ideal. Six months ago, accompanied by his mother, Xiaoming walked into the expert clinic of Tian Liming, deputy chief physician of the Department of Dermatology of Wuhan First Hospital for the first time.

Tian Liming is seeing an acne patient. Photo by Correspondent Dai Yumeng

At this time, the acne had spread to Xiaoming’s entire face, with papules, pustules, and pustules fused to cover both cheeks, and the facial skin lesions were painful and uncomfortable. Pus discharge. He covered himself with scarves and hats, and his mother was very anxious. Tian Liming performed integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment for Xiaoming according to the cystic acne program, and asked him to pay attention to a light diet, regular work and rest, and emotional regulation. After half a year of treatment, Xiaoming has basically returned to normal except for some light spots on the skin.

Tian Liming introduced that many people think that acne is a physiological phenomenon of puberty, and mistakenly think that “it’s good after puberty, and there is no need to treat it”. Even if many people get rid of acne, they will choose some popular acne-removing methods, such as online purchase of acne-removing creams, acne-removing masks, etc. These incorrect treatment methods will eventually lead to acne from whiteheads and blackheads to cysts and nodules. , suppuration, infection, scarring, and bring greater psychological pressure to patients.

Tian Liming pointed out that inflammatory acne should be actively anti-inflammatory and acne-removing in the early stage, and invasive treatment of active papules and papules should be minimized to avoid the spread of inflammation and aggravation of the disease. Cystic acne is treated with integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, which can help many patients with severe acne regain their self-confidence. Drink more water, eat more vegetables and fruits, eat less irritating food such as fat, sugar and spicy food, do a good job in facial cleansing, develop good hygiene habits, maintain adequate sleep, and maintain a cheerful attitude, which can effectively reduce acne the probability of acne.

“Don’t squeeze pimples with your hands!” Tian Liming reminded that in the process of squeezing pimples, the hair follicles and sebaceous glands will be damaged. If it spreads, it may cause infection of the dermis layer, which is more likely to leave scars. In particular, don’t squeeze pimples that grow in the “dangerous triangle” of the nose and mouth, as crowding may also lead to serious complications of intracranial infection. (Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Xuan intern Lin Xiner correspondent Zhang Mengshi Qiao Lingling)

[Editor: Yu Lina]

[Source: Changjiang Daily]