New confirmed cases in a single day! France + 130,000 cases, Germany + 140,000 cases, Japan + 150,000 cases, what is the situation?

Every editor Li Zedong

Recently, the number of new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in many countries has been announced.

According to CCTV news on the 20th, the data released by the public health department of France on July 19th local time showed that, As of the afternoon of that day, France had a total of 32,405,925 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia, 134,188 new cases in 24 hours; a total of 150,979 deaths and 144 new cases; as of the 19th, there were a total of 1,323 severe cases.

According to CCTV news reports, according to the latest data released by the Robert Koch Institute, a federal disease control agency in Germany, As of 00:00 on July 20, local time, Germany had a total of 29,994,679 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia, 140,999 new cases compared with the previous day, and a total of 142,771 deaths, an increase of 136 cases compared with the previous day. The incidence rate per 100,000 people in the country within 7 days was 740.1.

According to CCTV news, on July 20, local time, Japan reported 152,536 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia, a record high . On the same day, the number of newly diagnosed cases in 30 first-level administrative regions in Japan hit a new high.

Photo source:Photo Network-400909202

According to data from Johns Hopkins University quoted by China Business News, as of 13:00 on July 18, Beijing time, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the world was 562 million Example. Last week (13:00 on July 11 – 13:00 on July 18), there were 6.726 million new confirmed cases globally, which has been rising for 6 consecutive weeks; 14,000 new deaths were added, a 10-week high.

According to Red Star News, on July 19, the World Health Organization warned that a new wave of new crown epidemics has swept across Europe, Authorities must take immediate action to mitigate its impact. It is reported that the number of new cases of new coronary pneumonia in Europe has tripled in the past six weeks. Last week alone, continental Europe reported nearly 3 million new cases, almost half of all new cases globally. And nearly 3,000 people in Europe are dying from Covid-19 almost every week.

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Photo source: Beijing Daily

Daily Economic News Comprehensive CCTV News, China Business News, Red Star News, Beijing Daily

[Source: Daily Economic News]

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