How does the dance drama “Dongpo” tell Chinese stories to the world? China Oriental Performing Arts Group and Meishan join forces to “solve problems”

Cover reporter Wang Yuexin Li Qing

Lin Yutang once said: “People like Su Dongpo are indispensable in the world.”

2000, France “Le Monde” organized the selection of “Millennium Heroes” from 1001 to 2000 AD. There were 12 people in the world, and Su Dongpo was among them, the only Chinese who was selected.

▲ Dongpo Pantuo Statue According to Sansu Temple Museum

As the hometown of Su Dongpo, it has always been Since then, Meishan, Sichuan has been working hard to tell the story of Dongpo well and inherit the culture of Dongpo. In January this year, Meishan signed a creative agreement with China Eastern Performing Arts Group, the main creative team of “Only Green”, to jointly create the dance drama “Dongpo”.

▲ Su Dongpo’s former residence Meishan Sansu Temple

There are countless artistic works about Su Dongpo, dance dramas How does “Dongpo” stand out? On July 19th, Jing Xiaoyong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Oriental Performing Arts Group, and his party came to Meishan for investigation and investigation, and conducted in-depth discussions with relevant departments at the municipal level of Meishan, experts in Su Xue, and people in the literary and art circles on the joint creation of the dance drama “Dongpo”. exchanges and discussions.

Liu Xiaochuan, an expert on Su studies in Meishan, believes that if Su Dongpo is to be represented, it must be expressed in the spirit of Su Dongpo, and the key is to grasp his uniqueness. Liu Xiaochuan said that in Chinese history, Su Dongpo had two “uniques”. First, Su Dongpo was able to put the people-oriented thought into practice in his more than 40-year career as an official; second, Su Dongpo was the only all-rounder in Chinese history. “Then how the script of the dance drama is so small and broad, and how to take a little from a hundred points or even a thousand points, this is a very test of kung fu.” Liu Xiaochuan said.

“I suggest using love characters as the theme of the whole play.” Another Su scholar expert in Meishan, Liu Chuanmei, gave specific suggestions. He said that Su Dongpo’s story can be classified into many “love”: The mother-son relationship with Mrs. Cheng, the father-son relationship with Su Xun, the husband-and-wife relationship with Wang Fu and Wang Runzhi, and the sibling relationship with his younger brother Su Zhe, finally boiled down to family and national conditions and the earth. “With Dongpo as the center, to gather his family, hometown and political achievements in his life, etc., it may be easier to operate.” Su Dongpo can show the temperament of “Po Xian”, which is both grounded and immortal. Lai Yongyi, chairman of the Music Association, hopes that some local elements, including Meishan folk music, can be added to the play.

▲ The scene of the dance drama “Dongpo” creation seminar

I listened to many experts and At the suggestion of people in the literary and art circles, Jing Xiaoyong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Oriental Performing Arts Group, said that it has benefited a lot. Jing Xiaoyong said that as China’s only selected “Millennium Hero”, Su Dongpo has great influence in the whole country and even the world. The creative orientation of the dance drama “Dongpo” is not only for domestic audiences, but also for international audiences, using artistic language to tell Chinese stories well.

“Su Dongpo is an all-rounder, and he has almost all the good qualities. There are too many dazzling points in him.” Jing Xiaoyong believes that “one in a hundred” grasps a point of Su Dongpo to tell the story, It is the key to solving the problem of the dance drama “Dongpo”. As for how to solve this problem, he will work with the team and Meishan to do the best work.

It is reported that the dance drama “Dongpo” was created by Shen Wei, an internationally renowned choreographer, and assembled a first-class production team in China. Meet the audience in early 2023.

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