Money is such a good thing, you only use it to buy, buy, buy?

When I was young, I thought money was the most important thing in life, and now that I am old, I understand, it is. —Oscar Wilde

Money can buy food, clothes, houses… Can that money buy health?

Yes, but not the kind you think.

One ​​study[1] found that giving money unconditionally improves health.

Thanks, health improved|Giphy

In impoverished countries around the world, many people do not have enough to eat and no money to pay for medical treatment. Many governments and humanitarian organizations have tried various aid methods, and unconditional money is more effective in improving health outcomes.

In the past aid projects, cash distribution to poor areas was mostly conditional, such as supervising the people who received the cash and ensuring “special use” – requiring them to ensure their own Children go to school, participate in health-related activities, and make medical appointments.

But doing so is not as effective as direct money. Giving out cash unconditionally gives people the autonomy to meet their needs, giving them more agency to spend their money where they think it matters most.

In the two weeks to three months after sending the money, people who received unconditional cash were less likely to get sick than those who did not receive it, they They will also spend more money on health services and take responsibility for their own health. This is not the same as the previous assumption that “people will spend money without restraint”.

In addition to directly improving health, money has more power than usual.

Summer is too hot, money is used as air conditioner

It’s hot summer when the temperature is approaching 40°C. It’s too hot to turn on the air conditioner one degree high, and one degree low and cold. Maybe you can try – Think about money .

In a Swiss study[2], the researchers divided the subjects into two groups to feel the temperature of the same room, and one group had to estimate the number of banknotes in advance , and the other group estimated the number of cards in a stack.

It turned out that the group that estimated the bills estimated the temperature of the room lower. Researchers believe that when people’s minds are thinking about money, they feel colder.

Turn on the bill fan|Giphy

Researchers also conducted a second experiment showing that when you think about money, your own body gets colder.

They also divided the subjects into two groups. The subjects were required to put their hands into the water with a temperature of 37°C, and then they performed the same operation separately – one group thought about money , a set of thinking cards. Then they put their hands into the 30°C water, and the water temperature slowly rose, and they needed to judge when the water temperature reached 37°C.

The researchers hypothesized that, based on previous research, the lower the body temperature, the more overestimated the water temperature. When the subjects put their hands in the water, because the sudden change of temperature will destroy the subjects’ original perception, when they feel cold, they will judge the water temperature to be hotter. For example, if the left hand is 10°C and the right hand is 40°C, and the same is placed in water at 37°C, the left hand will feel very hot, while the right hand will feel colder.

The results of the experiment found that the group that thought about money had a higher estimate of the water temperature than the other group. When they felt that it reached 37°C, the actual average water temperature was 34°C, which was higher than that of the group that thought about cards. group was 1°C lower. The researchers therefore deduced that when subjects were thinking about money, their own hands were colder and they felt the water temperature reached 37°C earlier.

In such a hot summer, if you want to save on air-conditioning costs, it is recommended that the company pay cash to employees every day.

Money makes men more critical and more empathetic

It is said that “men change their minds when they have money” – although I don’t know if they will change their minds in the long run, In the short term, it does make men more dissatisfied with the appearance of their partners .

In a study[3] of Beijing Normal University, the researchers recruited a group of heterosexual college students who were in relatively stable romantic relationships with a monthly income of RMB 400-5,000.

In the experiment, they were randomly divided into 2 groups and filled out the monthly income questionnaire. The amount of the filling in one group was relatively large—0-2,000 yuan; 2,000-4,000 yuan; 4,000 yuan -6000 yuan, etc. People who fill out this form will feel that they are relatively poor; the other group fills in a smaller range of amounts – 0-250 yuan; 250-500 yuan; 500-750 yuan; 750-1000 Yuan et al., people who fill out this form will feel that they are relatively wealthy.

Next, the researchers asked them to rate their partner’s appearance.

It was found that men in the two groups rated their partners significantly differently, with Men in the self-confessed relatively wealthy group rated their partners’ physical appearance lower. However, women’s evaluations of their partners’ physical appearance were not affected by financial status.

Another interesting study[5] on money and male friends found that money greatly increases empathy in men and closes the gap between men and women .

In daily life, we seem to acquiesce that men’s empathy ability is not as good as women’s, but the power of money can make men learn to empathize.

Search engines can’t find the answer | Small towel provided

In the study, researchers asked subjects to watch a video of a girl who said she didn’t get enough marks on a math test to get into the graduate school she wanted to go to. Before starting the test, the researchers asked them to write down their most recent academic setback and then watch the videotaped test.

In the group with no monetary reward, female participants scored significantly higher on empathy than males. In the second group, if the empathy was in place, they were given $2 each time, and the results of this group of male and female subjects were about the same.

The money is in place, and men can empathize too.

Being angry with my colleagues, the company always keeps a dozen new banknotes

Money can turn hostility into peace, but it depends on what kind of money it is.

In one study[4], people were asked to recall an unpleasant moment with a colleague, and then, instructed by researchers, to imagine themselves counting a stack of bills.

Among them, one group counts new banknotes, one group counts used old banknotes, and one group counts Monopoly virtual banknotes.

This can’t be done

After imagining, they filled out a series of psychological scales. The scale showed that subjects who imagined counting new money were more tolerant of previous unpleasant events, more willing to forgive each other, and less likely to choose revenge.

New banknotes have this magic? Can it make people more accommodating?

Researchers explored further and found that new money can make people more energetic, while used money does not have this effect, by imagining themselves counting new banknotes , subjects felt more empowered, more self-controlled, and less emotional.

With new money in hand, everyone calms down. If you feel dizzy from the anger of your colleague, it is better to prepare a dozen new banknotes in the office and count them out. It not only relieves the anger in your heart, but also reminds yourself to let go of your grievances and concentrate on making money!

Me Too|Giphy


[1] Pega, F. , Walter, S. , Liu, S. Y. , Pabayo, R. , Lhachimi, S. K. , & Saith, R. . (2014). Unconditional cash transfers for reducing poverty and vulnerabilities: effect on use of health services and health outcomes in low and middle﹊ncome countries. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

[2] Reutner, L. , Hansen, J. , & Greifeneder, R. . (2015). The cold heart: reminders of money cause feelings of physical coldness. Social Psychological & Personality Science, 6(5), 490-495.

[3] Li, Y. M. , Li, J. , Chan, K. S. , & Zhang, B. . (2016). When love meets money: priming the possession of money influences mating strategies. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(781).

[4] Mok, A. , & Cremer, D. D. . (2015). Strengthened to forgive workplace transgressions: priming new money increases interpersonal forgiveness. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 45(8) .

[5]Klein KJK, Hodges SD. Gender Differences, Motivation, and Empathic Accuracy: When it Pays to Understand. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 2001;27(6):720-730 .doi:10.1177/0146167201276007

Author: This wood

Edit: Small towel, You Shiyou

Cover image credit: Giphy

One ​​AI

Nutshell collectively co-created “Ah! Please enjoy the rap song “cash”

If there is cash, there will be crush

is the best blush

Let love always be fresh

Also get parent’s bless

I am not afraid of adversity to press me

With cash, no one calls me trash

With cash, you can push the boss at will

With cash, not afraid of colleagues diss

With cash, be your own boss

Even if it ends up being ash

With cash, you can flash

Everyone has cash

is my best wish! !

This article is from Nutshell and may not be reproduced without authorization.