How to distinguish “wind-cold” from “wind-heat”? How to deal with it fast? Chinese medicine tells you

“Cough cough cough.”

With summer coming, there are suddenly many coughing people in every corner of the city. Mr. Zhang is one of them. .

Mr. Zhang has a cold these few days and no fever. He feels that it is very troublesome to go to the hospital to do nucleic acid tests, so he simply waits for his illness to heal himself. Anyway, if you have a cold, you will be fine for a few days.

However, after 3 days, Mr. Zhang’s symptoms not only eased, but his cough became more and more severe. He wanted to take some medicine to relieve himself, but when he saw the words “Treatment of wind-heat cold” written on the box, he was suddenly stunned – is he a wind-cold cold or a wind-heat cold? How are their symptoms different?

1. What is the difference between wind-heat cold and wind-cold cold?

In traditional Chinese medicine, colds are divided into very fine lines. The most common ones are wind-heat colds and wind-cold colds, but many people have difficulty distinguishing the difference between the two. Cold and flu, what’s the difference?

Judging from the pathogenesis, the wind-cold syndrome is the invasion of wind and cold pathogens into the human body, while the wind-heat syndrome is the Evil and heat evil invade the human body. Therefore, it is more likely to suffer from wind-cold cold in winter, and it is more likely to suffer from wind-heat cold in summer, but this is not absolute. In addition to being affected by seasons, wind-cold cold and wind-heat cold are also closely related to the body’s constitution and living habits.

judging from the symptoms, cold and cold belong to the cold without sweat< /span>, mainly manifested as mild fever, headache, joint soreness, body pain, clear sputum, runny nose, and white tongue coating. While fengreganmao is a cold with sweating, mainly manifested as severe fever, aversion to wind, aversion to cold, thick sputum and runny nose Symptoms such as redness and yellowing of the tongue coating.

Second, these folk remedies are not credible to treat a cold

It is said that there is no need to over-treat a cold, and we often hear about various folk remedies to treat a cold. These methods sound amazing, but can they really cure a cold?

1. Cover your body with sweat and catch a cold.

The perspiration is indeed a certain To a certain extent, it can expel wind and heat evils in the body, but colds are divided into wind-cold colds and wind-heat colds. But for wind-heat colds, blind sweating is like adding fuel to the fire, and it will only aggravate the symptoms of internal heat.

2. Ginger boiled cola can treat colds

Some people think that ginger boils cola The effect is the same as that of ginger brown sugar water, mainly relying on ginger to drive away the cold, and cola instead of brown sugar only has the effect of increasing the sweetness.

That’s not true. Coke is a carbonated beverage that containscaffeine, caramel color and sweeteners, strong>And caffeine is not good for the child’s nervous system and stomach. If the child is still taking ibuprofen to cool down, the child’s stomach will be more severely stimulated.

3. Can chili water soaking feet drive away the cold? The cold is not cured, and the skin is still burned

Foot soaking has a certain inhibitory effect on early colds, but the medicinal materials for foot soaking should be selected appropriately. It is said that ginger can ward off cold. Like ginger, chili is a spicy and irritating food. Can adding chili when soaking your feet also have the effect of repelling cold?

Capsaicin is a like histamine, different from ginger in spicy , it can cause the symptoms of vasodilation, sweating and runny nose, and dry mouth in the human body. It is too irritating, and even external use may cause burns and burns to the skin.

Third, Chinese medicine teaches you how to treat a cold due to wind-heat

It turns out that the methods we usually use to treat a cold may not work, so what should we do? What about treating the common cold?

As we mentioned above, the incidence of wind heat and cold is high in summer, so how do we treat wind heat and cold?

First of all, the treatment of wind-heat and common cold is based on the principle of pungent cooling and relieving the surface.

Patients can choose anti-viral oral liquid, Ganmao antipyretic granules, Banlangen granules and other drugs for treatment to achieve the effect of cooling.

Secondly, drink plenty of warm water.

Warm boiled water is recognized as a high-quality and inexpensive “anti-inflammatory drug”. Of course, this “anti-inflammatory drug” needs to be quoted, it is not a real drug. You can choose to add an appropriate amount of salt to warm boiled water to dissipate internal heat. Drinking a lot of water and urinating during a cold can allow the body’s internal heat to be excreted with urine, thereby achieving the purpose of cooling.

Also,after a cold, Patients should have a good rest, maintain adequate sleep, and have a light diet, so that the body has enough resistance to resist colds and control the disease.

Colds are divided into colds due to wind-cold and colds due to wind-heat, with different symptoms and different treatments. If you want to get better from a cold quickly, symptomatic treatment is the key. Therefore, we must closely observe our physical condition, determine the type of cold, and choose appropriate methods for targeted treatment to avoid aggravating the disease.

Topics for popular science of wind and heat diseases_39Health Network

reference Data:

[1] Discrimination of wind-cold cold and wind-heat cold. Center for Drug Evaluation. 2019-01-04

[2] Li Yanming. Folk “prescriptions” for colds are really effective [J]. Family Science, 2020.

[3]Wang Tianqi, Chen Ting, Yan Haifeng, et al. Analysis of the medication rules of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of wind-heat and common cold[J]. Journal of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2018, 37(2):5.

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