Take a bath at 3 hours in hot weather, and take a “deadly bath”! Destruction of sleep can lead to sudden death, don’t let your body fall down on the simplest things

Taking a bath may seem simple, but there are a lot of things to pay attention to.

Especially in summer, need to pay more attention to the details More, like — bath time.

It is no exaggeration to say that during the dog days, if you choose an inappropriate bath< /span>Time, especially hurt!


Too hot!

I’m sweating every time I sit still, let alone don’t open the door , to ensure that there is no dry place on the whole body.

At this time, it is estimated that many people want to take a bath quickly!


However, taking a shower immediately after sweating is dangerous.

When people sweat again, especially after strenuous exercise, the body will produce a lot of heat and the heart rate will increase , blood flow acceleration, skin vasodilation and other phenomena.

Both hot or cold baths are bad for your body—

  • Hot baths: further dilate blood vessels, allowing flow to Increased blood flow to the skin results in insufficient blood flow to vital organs such as the heart and brain, resulting in a lack of oxygen.

  • Cold showers: make blood vessels rush Contraction, it is easy to damage the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular; it will also cause the accumulated heat in the body to not dissipate, resulting in heat stroke. Especially for those with high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and other diseases, fatal accidents may occur.

So, it is recommended that you rest for a while after sweating or exercising If you sweat, take a shower with warm water.


Summer is the season for supper, and all kinds of delicacies are mouth-watering.

And for many people, beer is the soul of supper, after all, few people can refuse beer with roast Strings~

After three rounds of wine, many people are eager to take a bath and put their sweat and wine away The air is washed off, and some people take a bath after drinking to understand the wine.

Source: OneMap

< span>However, bathing immediately after drinking is dangerous.

After people drink alcohol, the glucose stored in the body will be consumed during bathing, causing blood sugar to drop, while alcohol inhibits the normal activity of the liver , hinder the storage of glucose in the body, easy to cause hypoglycemia, shock, and even life-threatening.

Before, many people had cardiac arrest due to drinking and bathing▽

So, don’t take a bath immediately after drinking, especially those who live alone, be sure to fully sober up before taking a bath.

In the process of taking a bath, people often have questions like this, so I will make it clear today——

4 bathing problems finally solved!

1. Is it better to use shower gel or soap?

Choose according to the specific condition of your skin!

Many soaps are relatively alkaline, and while powerfully decontaminating, they also remove sebum, making the skin drier.

So, people with dry or sensitive skin, it is best to choose a neutral, acidic body wash, and people with no problems with skin can choose according to your preferences .


2. How many times to take a bath in summer?

Summer sweats a lot, so it is recommended to take a bath every day, even more after exercise.

< span>And in the cold winter, it’s okay to take a shower every few days, but it’s better to wipe your body every day.

In addition, the temperature of the bath water is 40~42 Celsius is the best, and the best time for a bath is 10 to 15 minutes.

Image source: OneMap

3. What is the best order of bathing?

The order of bathing does not affect health!< /span>

Some people may be unconvinced: I heard that someone washes their hair first when taking a shower, causing blood pressure to soar and fainting!

In fact, there is no direct relationship between fainting in the shower and which part to wash first. The key factor is temperature difference, followed by ventilation.

For example, if the temperature difference between water temperature and body temperature is too large, The blood vessels of the human body contract or expand suddenly and sharply. If the individual’s blood pressure regulation ability cannot keep up, he may faint.

However, this usually occurs in patients with underlying diseases such as high blood pressure and heart disease, or in groups such as the elderly and bedridden people.

The general population prefers to wash whichever they like first. 4. How long does it take to wash? When taking a shower in summer, many people feel more comfortable the more they wash, and it takes a long time to wash. However, prolonged bathing can also be risky. The bathroom is small and a relatively closed space. Taking a long bath will increase the heat of the bathroom, reduce the oxygen Coupled with the high temperature, the human body is prone to hypoxia. Furthermore, prolonged bathing and bathing will also cause the water in the human cells to evaporate, causing the human body to experience dehydration symptoms, such as dry skin and itchy skin. Therefore, the bathing time must not be too long. Generally, a shower of 10-15 minutes is enough; if you want to take a bath, it is best not to exceed 20 minutes.

Source: >

Finally, I will introduce two tips for taking a bath-

Pay attention to these 2 little things and take a safe bath!

1. Drink some water before and after bathing

The bathroom is hot and humid, and people are prone to sweating.

So, you can drink some warm water before and after bathing, don’t drink too much at a time (about 150 ml) , Don’t be in a hurry when drinking, drink slowly.

Source:OneTube< /span>

2. Pay attention to ventilation in the bathroom

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The bathroom is kept ventilated, not only to beware of carbon monoxide poisoning, but also to prevent indoor hypoxia.

Because the humid and sultry air in the bathroom will cause low air pressure, it is easy for people to have difficulty breathing after a long time in the bathroom, dark eyes, fainting, etc.

Therefore, everyone must keep ventilated when bathing. There is an exhaust fan to open the exhaust fan. If there is no, you must leave a gap in the doors and windows.

-Chinese Family Doctor Magazine strong>Original production by New Media Center-

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#exam everyone#

What kind of fruit is a kiwi?

A. Coldness

< span>B. Warm

D. Warm strong>

Edit: West Morning

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