Grandpa and grandma, please turn on the air conditioner! “Heatstroke” can really kill people!

Ah darlings, do you feel that this year is unusually hot! And people all over the country are generally shouting:

Really! –of! –it is good–! hot! ——! ! !

Recently, Duma kept reading the news and reported the death of heat stroke, and felt it was really necessary to talk about this with you again. Heatstroke and Heat Stroke! closely related to us! Please pay attention to it again!

“Hot Dead” is no exaggeration!

Don’t underestimate heat stroke, the danger of heat stroke is beyond imagination.

The medical definition of heatstroke refers to an acute disease mainly manifested by disorders of the central nervous system and circulatory system due to heat balance and/or water and salt metabolism disorders in a high temperature environment. Excessive temperature, high humidity, low wind speed, frailty, heat incompatibility, excessive labor intensity, long time, and excessive fatigue can easily induce heat stroke.

Heatstroke can be mild or severe, and severe heatstroke can lead to death, especially heat stroke, which has a high mortality rate.

Huh? Don’t you want to prevent heat stroke? Why are you talking about “heat stroke” again?

This is the case. Heat stroke is a type of severe heat stroke. It is a very dangerous emergency with a high mortality rate. With timely and proper treatment, the mortality rate can be as high as 50%. It has 3 prominent features:

  • High fever (body temperature over 40°C); span>
  • No sweating;
  • Confusion, convulsions, or even unresponsiveness.

A research paper published online by the team of Prof. Lv Ben from the Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University in the journal Science reveals an important lethal mechanism of heat stroke— Hyperthermia induces excessive programmed cell death via Z-DNA-binding protein-1 (ZBP1), leading to life-threatening disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and multiple organ damage. Therefore, everyone must pay attention to the prevention of heat stroke. how do you know you have heat stroke, span>Are there any symptoms to help you decide? Actually, heat stroke is a precursor, if sweating, thirst, dizziness, dizziness, tinnitus, weakness of limbs occur in high temperature environment , chest tightness, palpitations, nausea, inability to concentrate, normal or slightly elevated body temperature (<38°C), be careful, you may have (or already have a little) heat stroke. Especially in high temperature and strong radiation operations, such as smelting, furnaces, etc.; high temperature and high humidity operations, such as printing and dyeing, silk reeling, and deep mine operations; summer open-air operations, such as summer construction, construction, Outdoor operations such as farmland labor and sanitation; high-intensity operations in summer, such as sports competitions and military training. The above working groups, the elderly and infirm, children and pregnant women are some high-risk groups of heatstroke. When the above symptoms occur, you should be more vigilant. Immediately take precautions against heatstroke and cool down, move to a cool and ventilated place, and drink water in time. Pay attention to rest, if symptoms do not improve, it is recommended to seek medical attention in time. What can I do to prevent heat stroke? Many people die from the heat every year, and it’s important to prevent heatstroke:1. Be prepared for heatstroke Necessities Prepare sun protection equipment, such as sunscreen, wide-brimmed hat, plenty of water; wear loose and breathable light-colored clothing, and carry heatstroke prevention and cooling drugs with you. 2. Scientific hydration a small amount of time For drinking water, 200 ml of water can be replenished every 15 to 20 minutes, and the water temperature should not be too high. If you sweat a lot, you need to add extra salt and minerals, and you can drink sugar water or sports drinks appropriately. 3. Pay attention to heat dissipation You can use an ice towel rub the body or fan intoPerform physical cooling. When the heat is unstoppable, you can use cold water to rinse your wrist, and put your wrist under the tap for 5 seconds every few hours to help reduce blood temperature. 4. Improve working conditionssuch as reducing heat sources , Reasonable layout, heat insulation, ventilation and cooling, set up heat insulation rest rooms and adjust work and rest time. 5. Partnering to care for at-risk groups When working in a high temperature environment (sanitation workers, construction workers, firefighters, couriers, traffic police, etc.), carry heatstroke prevention and cooling drugs with you, and colleagues should pay attention to each other’s health. 6. Stay tuned65+ recommended Family and friends of the elderly should call at least twice a day in the morning and afternoon to confirm the health of the elderly. In case of heat stroke, The “five tricks” for first aid are very important! Under normal circumstances, patients with threatened heatstroke and mild heatstroke can return to normal after on-site rescue. The following first aid methods: One move:Quickly move the patient to a cool, ventilated place to lie flat , use a fan or electric fan to fan him or turn on the air conditioner, and untie or take off his coat to facilitate the patient’s breathing and heat dissipation. Second compress:The head is first compressed with warm water, and then changed to cold water and ice water. Three drinks:Drinking salt-containing beverages can replenish the body’s water needs in time, and at the same time replenish some inorganic salts. Four rubs:When the body has difficulty dissipating heat due to high temperature, high humidity and no wind, you can use cold or ice water to rub the bath until the skin becomes red. Five drops: The body temperature of heatstroke patients is as high as 40℃ or higher, and symptoms such as coma and convulsions occur, especially in the treatment of heat stroke patients. Three principles should be followed: 1. Rapid, effective, and continuous cooling; 2. Intravenous rehydration when rapidly replenishing fluids; 3. Control agitation and convulsions. At the same time, dial 120 and send the patient to the emergency department of the hospital as soon as possible. The following heatstroke first aid mistakes >Yes! avoid! waived! 1. If you take antipyretics (such as acetaminophen, aspirin, etc.) by yourself, if you use antipyretics to cool down, the body’s metabolism of the drugs will increase the burden on the body. Drugs have more side effects. 2. Excessive wiping of alcohol will not only irritate the skin, but excessive use may even lead to alcohol poisoning. 3. Applying ice cubes or ice packs too cold will cause blood vessels to constrict and not be able to dissipate heat smoothly. 4. After being soaked in cold water, the blood vessels may contract rapidly, which may induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular emergencies. 5. Applying oily substances that feel cool to external over-the-counter medicines (such as panacea) is even more unfavorable for heat dissipation.

Dumma said

Finally, it’s important to remind you to stay indoors Also be wary of heat stroke. Not only outdoor exposure will cause heat stroke, but also a small indoor environment with poor ventilation and high temperature may also cause heat stroke.

Especially for some elderly people, they are worried about wasting electricity by turning on the air conditioner, and they live in an old house with poor ventilation, which can easily lead to heat stroke. Therefore, for people at high risk of heat stroke such as the elderly, even if they do not go out at home, they should turn on the air conditioner or open the window. Ventilate well to avoid heat stroke. A heat stroke can endanger the disease in severe cases, and it will cost several years of electricity bills for minor illnesses. Please! Turn on the air conditioner!

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