[Health Science] How can the elderly scientifically prevent heatstroke when they fall into the ambush?

[Source: Koppian]

Heatstroke refers to the long-term exposure of the human body to high temperature, humidity, and no wind, which leads to the disorder of the thermoregulatory center, which accumulates a large amount of heat in the body, thereby affecting the function of multiple organs. The elderly often suffer from a variety of chronic diseases and belong to the high-risk group of heat stroke. So, how should middle-aged and elderly people prevent heat stroke in their daily life?

knock on the blackboard

The following knowledge points should be kept in mind!

1. After getting up in the morning, it is best for the elderly to drink a glass of water to supplement the water consumed at night. In addition to the normal three meals, the elderly should maintain a water intake of 1500-2000 ml per day.
2. The diet in summer should be light and easy to digest. For example, you can eat more vegetables rich in vitamins, such as vegetables, tomatoes, lettuce, and lean meat, fish and soy products rich in high-quality protein.
3. Mung bean porridge, mint porridge, lotus seed porridge, lotus leaf porridge, raw reed root porridge, watermelon rind porridge, lily silver flower porridge, etc., all have the functions of clearing away heat and relieving heat, nourishing the heart and soothing the mind, producing fluid and quenching thirst effect. In addition, you can also drink lotus seed soup, loofah shredded pork soup, yam soup, mung bean pumpkin soup, raw ground wax gourd ribs soup and other soups, which can invigorate the middle and replenish qi, clear away heat, and nourish the stomach.
4. When the elderly sleep, do not face the air outlet and fan of the air conditioner. The room temperature should be adjusted to about 26 degrees Celsius, and the relative humidity should be controlled at about 50%.
5. When going out in summer, the elderly should prepare enough tea, drinks, anti-heatstroke and cooling drugs (such as Rendan, Shidi Shui, Huoxiangzhengqi water, cool oil, etc.) for emergency use.
6. The most suitable exercise for the elderly is aerobic exercise, such as walking, brisk walking, jogging, Tai Chi, and aerobics. Note that you should change sweaty clothes in time after exercise, and do not drink cold drinks immediately.

Have you memorized the above knowledge points? In addition, if there are elderly people at home who suffer from hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes and other basic diseases and cannot take care of themselves, they must pay attention to the ventilation of the house and do Good heatstroke prevention and cooling work. Once the elderly at home have symptoms of heat stroke, they should seek medical attention in time to avoid delaying the best time for rescue and treatment.

Source “Senior Health News”

Author| Beilun Branch of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of MedicineQiu Cong

Review | Expert of National Health Science Expert Database
Zhao Bin, Chief Physician of Emergency Department of Beijing Jishuitan Hospital
Planning| Wang Juncong Tan Jia
Editing| You Ying Kang

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