Chongqing: A total of 125 people in Chongqing have been investigated, except for one case of asymptomatic infection that has been announced, the rest of the results are negative

On July 16, Chongqing held the 106th press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic to report the latest situation of epidemic prevention and control.

Li Pan, deputy director of the Chongqing Municipal Health Commission, reported that on July 13, a new local confirmed case in Chongqing, a person from outside the city, was found in the nucleic acid test of key personnel. On July 15, a new case of local asymptomatic infection was added in Chongqing, who was a close contact of a confirmed case in Japan on July 13, and was found during centralized isolation. Up to now, there are 1 local confirmed case and 1 local asymptomatic infection in Chongqing, all of whom have received centralized isolation treatment and medical observation at the Municipal Public Health Medical Treatment Center and are in stable condition.

At present, a total of 125 people in Chongqing have been investigated in Chongqing, all of which have been quarantined and controlled, and three rounds of nucleic acid testing have been carried out. Negative; a total of 133 people in close contact in Chongqing were investigated, all of which have been quarantined and controlled, and the nucleic acid test results were all negative. According to the comprehensive research and judgment of Chongqing city-level disease control experts, the risk of this epidemic is generally controllable. (CCTV)