Be careful! Cold compress or hot compress? These things are not done to make the injury worse!

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Review of this article: Guo Shubin, Emergency Department, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University Chief Physician

In our life, we will inevitably be injured due to some stumbling. Sometimes these injuries are minor and usually don’t require hospital treatment, as long as they are handled properly, the problem can be resolved. The most commonly used methods are cold and hot compresses. For example, when running a sprained ankle, most people choose to use cold or hot compresses to deal with it.

In fact, many people apply cold compresses when they should be hot because they don’t know the difference between the two. Hot compresses were applied when the cold compresses should have been used, resulting in more serious injuries.

So, when should I use cold compresses and when should I use hot compresses?

Cold compresses should be used in these cases

A cold compress is when an ice pack or a cold, damp towel is applied to the injured area. The main effect is to reduce swelling and analgesia by promoting local vasoconstriction, controlling the bleeding of small blood vessels, and reducing the pain with greater tension.

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In daily life, the most common sprains and contusions we encounter should be cold compresses first.

This is because sprains and contusions can cause small blood vessels to burst, causing blood to seep into surrounding tissue and swelling, which can compress nerve endings and cause pain. At this time, the use of cold compresses can constrict blood vessels, repair the damaged part of the wall, reduce bleeding and exudation, thereby reducing localized purging and swelling. In the treatment of certain diseases, cold compresses are also required, such as the treatment of frozen shoulder.

The following points are important to keep in mind when applying cold compresses.

1. Cold compress is suitable for early soft tissue injury, that is, when a sprain has just occurred. After 2 to 3 days of sprain, cold compresses are not recommended, but hot compresses are used.

2. Be careful to avoid frostbite when applying cold compresses. We can do this:

(1) Soak a small towel in cold or ice water, twist it into half dry, and apply it locally. Change it every few minutes for 15-20 minutes.

(2)Pay attention to changes in the skin, at least once every 10 minutes. If the skin becomes pale, bruised, or numb, stop applying cold immediately to prevent frostbite.

(3)If the body has chills, if the pulse is fast, breathing is difficult and the complexion changes, be alert to hypothermia, and immediately Stop cold compresses.

In short, the main function of cold compress is to stop bleeding and reduce swelling. And in the cold compress, pay attention to prevent frostbite.

Hot compresses should be selected in these cases

Hot compresses are A hot object, such as a hot water bottle or a hot towel, is placed on the painful area of ​​the skin. The main effect is to reduce swelling, reduce inflammation, relieve pain and eliminate fatigue by expanding local capillaries and accelerating blood circulation.

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Hot compress can be said to be one of the most commonly used treatments for self-prevention and treatment in people’s daily life. In addition to the use of hot water bags or hot towels, common hot compress treatments include drug heat therapy, loess heat therapy, hydrothermal therapy, salt heat therapy, sand heat therapy, brick heat therapy, etc.

There are many situations in your daily life where you can use a heat pack.

1. The most common sports injury, except that heat compress cannot be used during the stress period of sports injury, usually 2 to 3 days after the injury occurs, Heat compresses can be used to relieve symptoms.

2. Hot compress can relieve eye fatigue, dizziness, chronic lumbar pain, buttock pain, etc. In addition, it can also relieve early pain of cervical spondylosis, and treat dysmenorrhea or cold abdominal pain.

3. Our commonly used steam eye mask is to use hot compress to relieve eye fatigue. Even the induration of the skin caused by intramuscular and intravenous injections can also be relieved with hot compresses.

It is important to note the following points when applying heat.

1. Do not use hot water or directly touch the hot water bottle, which may cause skin burns.

2. For patients with heart disease and high blood pressure, if you need to apply heat on the shoulders and neck, you should consult your doctor or physical therapist first.

3. During the hot compress, if you find that your condition worsens or you feel unwell, stop the hot compress immediately.

4. Those who have wounds or newly healed skin, feel excessive pain or swelling, and suffer from acute inflammation, dermatitis, thrombosisPeople with phlebitis should not use hot compresses.

Cold and hot compresses are “specialized”, don’t use them wrong

Cold compresses constrict capillaries, while hot compresses dilate capillaries. Therefore, cold and hot compresses can not be used wrongly, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

Simply put, the main function of cold compress is to constrict local blood vessels, while the main function of hot compress is to promote local blood circulation.

However, we found that both cold compresses and hot compresses have one effect – reducing swelling, so how should we distinguish it? ?

Take the most common sprain swelling in everyday life as an example. When a sprain first occurs, cold compresses should be used to reduce swelling, and after 2 to 3 days of injury, hot compresses should be used.

In short, whether it is cold compress or hot compress, it is only an auxiliary treatment measure, we must pay attention to the physical condition and prevent Frostbite and burns. And when the body is seriously unwell or cannot be ruled out whether it is combined with fractures or infection, etc., it is necessary to go to the hospital in time.


[1] Guo Shubin. Practical Family Emergency Collection. Beijing: China Medical Electronic Audio and Video Publishing House. 2021.

Source and author : scientific refuting rumors, Dong GuijuanThis article has been authorized, please contact the original author for reprintingthisTextThe cover picture and the pictures in the text are from the copyright gallery, and the content of the pictures is not authorized to be reproduced

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