Continued heat! Multiple deaths from heat stroke! Remember these tips can save lives

This summer, the heat is a bit too hot,

Before falling into the ambush, it has already appeared

The hot “fat” cola, the “lifted feet” slippers,

the grilled fan, the sun-cooked shrimp …

Facing the hot summer days, Sanfu,

How can we prevent heatstroke?

prevention /strong>

Watch out for heat stroke

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For several days

“Extra-long standby” in hot weather

Many cases of heat stroke seeking medical attention

and even dying

#heatstroke#Related items dominate Weibo hot search

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> Heat stroke = heat stroke? not that simple!

In layman’s terms,

heat stroke is The most dangerous and severe heatstroke.

One might think:

Isn’t heat stroke very common?

Don’t take it lightly!

Heatstroke can be divided into three categories:

Threatened heatstroke, mild heatstroke, and severe heatstroke.

Heat stroke is the most serious type of heat stroke,

< span>The patient’s body core temperature rises rapidly,

there will be abnormal central nervous system

and multiple organ system damage.

If timely and effective treatment is not available,

The mortality rate is extremely high!

Are you “susceptible” to heat stroke? /span>

A picture tells you,

who are more likely to get heat stroke↓↓

labor-type heatstroke The disease is mainly caused by the imbalance between heat production and heat dissipation caused by high-intensity physical activity, which is common in healthy young people who exercise vigorously in summer;

Classic heat stroke is common in young children, pregnant women and the elderly, or individuals with chronic underlying diseases or impaired immune function. It is usually caused by passive exposure to heat. It is caused by the imbalance between heat and heat dissipation.

The climate of high temperature and humidity and high-intensity physical activity,

< span>It is the most important risk factor for heat stroke.

How to prevent heat stroke and heat stroke?

What should I do if I have heat stroke?

You should know the following ↓↓ p>

◆Help the patient to lie down in a cool and ventilated place, while propping up the head and unbuttoning the clothes to facilitate the patient’s breathing and heat dissipation;

◆Additional Body The required water, preferably light saline;

◆Use wet towels, ice packs, ice cubes, and fans to help the patient cool down;

◆Elevate the patient’s feet to help venous return and relieve the shock state;

◆If the situation is serious, call 120 and send the patient to the hospital as soon as possible Emergency department visit.

Since the beginning of summer this year

Many places in the country

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A group of pictures to understand

content_title=”60img”> height=”300″ layout=”responsive” sizes=”(min-width: 320px) 320px, 100vw” src=”″ width=””>< /img>Source: CCTV, Health China

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