6 ways of spreading infectious diseases

Small flies can spread deadly viruses,

Meal sharing is an important measure to prevent the spread of the new crown.

The best way to encourage AIDS patients is to hug.

Infectious diseases, as the name suggests, are diseases that are contagious. The spread of viruses must be carried out by means of carriers. Air, blood, saliva, and mosquito bites can all transport virus germs into our bodies, causing us to get sick.

Six major routes of infectious disease transmission:

Respiratory transmission, Digestive transmission , contact transmission, insect vector transmission, blood or body fluid transmission, mother-to-child transmission.


Respiratory Transmission

< span>After the pathogen is excreted from the source of infection, it exists in droplets or aerosols in the air, and causes infection after inhalation through the nose or mouth.

Such as: measles, tuberculosis, chickenpox, influenza, severe acute respiratory syndrome, novel coronavirus pneumonia, etc.

Image source: Baotu.com


Gastrointestinal transmission

After the pathogen is excreted from the source of infection, it contaminates food, water, tableware, etc. The mouth enters the gastrointestinal tract to cause infection.

Infants and young children can also become infected through contaminated milk sources, feeding bottles, and pacifiers.

Such as: bacillary dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera, rotavirus infection, etc.

Image source: Baotu.com


Contact transmission

After the pathogen is excreted from the source of infection, it contaminates the soil, objects, etc., and the infected person directly or indirectly contacts the pollutant, causing infection.

Such as: leptospirosis, schistosomiasis, hookworm, influenza, diphtheria, etc.

Image source: Baotu.com


Mosquito transmission

Mainly blood-sucking arthropods, such as mosquitoes, lice, fleas, sandflies, mites, etc., transmit pathogens when they bite the skin.

Such as: malaria, Lyme disease, epidemic typhus, etc.

Image source: Baotu.com


Blood or body fluid transmission

The pathogen exists in the carrier’s blood or body fluid and can be transmitted through blood transfusion, application of blood products, organ transplantation, sexual contact, etc. spread to others.

Such as: AIDS, viral hepatitis B, viral hepatitis C, etc.

Image source: Baotu.com


Mother and baby Transmission

Some infectious diseases, the pathogens of which can infect the fetus through the placenta, or through the birth canal during natural childbirth.

Such as: AIDS, hepatitis B virus, etc.

There are also some infectious diseases that can cause upward sexual transmission, pathogens from the vagina of pregnant women Intrauterine infection through the chorion or placenta.

Examples: herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, etc.

Image source: Baotu.com

Infectious diseases have seasonal and regional characteristics, and different pathogens and their vectors will Seasonal or geographically high incidence.

For example,

Measles, chickenpox, and influenza are common In winter and spring;

Schistosomiasis is mostly prevalent in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River where there is abundant rainfall and complex water systems; span>

Japanese encephalitis and malaria are more common in summer and autumn.

Infection Diseases are often unavoidable. In addition to maintaining good personal hygiene habits, it is also necessary to increase vigilance against unsafe environments or items, do not hug or touch stray cats and dogs, and do not use other people’s products. Do not eat raw or half-cooked food, and do not drink unclean water.


[1] Dou Na, Luo Juan, Yang Yaqi, Gao Hao, He Guozhong. Public self-protection Influence of awareness and behavior on the speed and breadth of infectious disease transmission[J].China Public Health Administration, 2022,38(01):88-90.DOI:10.19568/j.cnki.23-1318.2022.01.0021.

[2] Liu Qiao, Liu Jue, Liu Min. Research progress on the risk assessment index system of infectious diseases[J].Chinese Journal of Epidemiology,2021,42(04):745- 748.

【3】Be careful! You must know the transmission routes of these 6 infectious diseases~



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