Some misunderstandings when washing dishes should be corrected as soon as possible to avoid the accumulation of bacteria and endanger health

【Source: Yibin Meteorology】

The quality of life is improving day by day, people now not only have to eat enough, but also eat delicious and diverse meals. However, after every good meal, looking at the piles of plates and pots and pans, everyone must be bored, and some people don’t even know how to clean them thoroughly.

The following are some misunderstandings when washing dishes, which should be corrected as soon as possible to avoid the accumulation of bacteria and endanger health:

1. Soak for a while before washing

Many people get sleepy after a full meal, so go to bed first, soak the bowl in the basin, and wait to get up Wash again. However, this creates an opportunity for food and oil stains to ferment, which can cause bacteria to stick to bowls and chopsticks, making it difficult to completely clean the surfaces of chopsticks.

So, everyone should wash the dishes as soon as possible after meals, partly to keep the house clean and partly to protect the health of yourself and your family. Additionally, standing up to wash dishes is considered an exercise to support digestion after meals.

It is a bad habit to soak dishes for a while before washing. (illustration)

2. Wash all the dishes together

Every time people eat The bowls, plates and chopsticks used at the time were all soiled to varying degrees. Some types stick to more grease and are more prone to bacteria growth. Therefore, when washing dishes, it is best to wash the dishes, separate the clean dishes from the ones with more oil, wash the dishes with less oil first, and then wash the dishes with more oil, to avoid cross-contamination and create more space for bacteria to grow.

3. Use too much dishwashing liquid< /span>

Dishwashing liquid has a strong disinfection function and is a good helper for kitchen work. However, dishwashing liquid turns into a slippery foam when exposed to water.

If you use too much dishwashing liquid, it is easy to stay on dishes, pots and pans and other kitchen utensils. Once you use these utensils to store food and cook, food may stick to the leftover dishwashing liquid on them. Once these active ingredients enter the body, they can damage the stomach lining, interfere with metabolism, and even cause diarrhea.

So when washing dishes, you should rinse with clean water several times. Alternatively, you can use hot water, natural homemade dishwashing liquid instead of regular dishwashing liquid.

Do not use too much dishwashing liquid when washing dishes to avoid waste and harm healthy. (illustration)

4. After washing the dishes, put the chopsticks in an airtight place

Many people store freshly washed dishes and chopsticks in a cupboard to avoid dust and dirt, but an airtight, humid environment can easily breed bacteria and mold. Also, in the cupboard, there are still some bowls that haven’t been used for a long time and haven’t been cleaned for a long time. If you put freshly washed dishes in it, it is easy to stick to bacteria and stale smell. . So, after washing dishes, keep dishes and cookware in a dry place to reduce bacterial growth.

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