Allergic rhinitis? Avoiding allergens is most important

[Source: People’s Daily Online]

Allergic rhinitis is also called allergic rhinitis (AR) , is one of the common diseases of otolaryngology, especially when the severe nasal congestion is severe, it will cause dizziness, lack of energy, it is difficult to concentrate, and it has a significant impact on daily life. greater mental and economic burden. Wang Lei, an otolaryngology head and neck surgeon at Guangzhou First People’s Hospital, said that the first step in the treatment of allergic rhinitis is to avoid exposure to allergens. For patients with perennial attacks that cannot be completely avoided, immunotherapy, that is, desensitization therapy, can be tried.

The first step of treatment: avoid allergens

The typical manifestations of allergic rhinitis are itchy nose, continuous sneezing, and runny nose. This is a typical clinical symptom of allergic rhinitis. It is often accompanied by nasal congestion, and even causes eye symptoms such as red and itchy eyes. If bacterial infection is secondary to allergic rhinitis, yellow-green color will appear. purulent nasal discharge.

Wang Lei introduced that the first step in the treatment of allergic rhinitis is to let patients with allergic rhinitis avoid contact with allergens, which is also a very important step. There are many kinds of allergens that cause allergic rhinitis. Different patients should find ways to avoid contact with allergens according to what they are sensitive to, and try to get away from the environment with allergens.

For example, patients who are allergic to mold should find a way to make the home environment dry and refreshing to reduce the growth of mold. In theory, the first step in the treatment of allergic rhinitis is to get rid of the allergen. If you do it well, you can completely get rid of the allergen, and the allergic rhinitis will usually heal naturally, and it will not happen again.

But in real life, these allergens are floating in the air, so subtle that they are invisible to the naked eye, and almost everywhere.

The second step of treatment: drug treatment

Wang Lei said that if allergens cannot be completely avoided, then we need to understand the second step of treatment, that is, drug treatment. Drugs that can treat allergic rhinitis include the following: antihistamines, glucocorticoids, antileukotrienes, chromones, intranasal decongestants, intranasal anticholinergics, and traditional Chinese medicine.

It should be reminded that in the treatment of allergic rhinitis, nasal spray is a very important treatment method. Often when the condition is severe, the doctor will use nasal sprays and oral medicines together. If the symptoms are better controlled, the oral medicines will be slowly stopped. The potion must be advised to wait until the symptoms are completely controlled before gradually stopping. As long as the patient can correctly implement the doctor’s instructions, insist on regular review, and do not stop the drug by himself, generally good results can be achieved.

Perennial seizures? Try immunotherapy

For patients with allergic rhinitis who have been attacking for many years, it is often easy to relapse as soon as the drug is stopped.

New research has found that for those patients with severe allergic rhinitis with perennial attacks, there is another more effective means, that is, immunotherapy, that is, desensitization therapy.

Immunotherapy is the use of purified allergens, starting from a small dose, little by little, gradually increasing the dose, increasing the concentration, and maintaining it for a long time. The process of this treatment is generally Not less than two years. Eventually the body’s immune system gets used to and accepts the stimulation of this allergen and is no longer overly sensitive to it. The process of immunotherapy is very long, usually taking two years or more. Some patients still need to undergo short-term repeated immunotherapy on a regular basis to strengthen the consolidation effect.

(according to People’s Daily Online)

Source of this article: People’s Daily Online Editor: Bruce Lee

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