In 3 days, 84 people died! The heat wave swept the country! Regarding heat stroke, the authoritative answer from the National Health and Medical Commission came

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within 3 days, 84 people died! The country is in a heat wave! High temperature risk warning throughout the country!

On July 15, local time, high temperature weather continued throughout Spain, including the capital Madrid. The highest temperature in many places in the country reaches more than 40 degrees Celsius. Additional figures show that Spain has killed 84 people in three days during the heat.

△CCTV Finance “First Time” video

Spain is expected to have heat waves this weekend, according to the National Weather Service The whole territory continues to maintain the high temperature risk warning. Affected by the hot weather, forest fires in many parts of Spain are still active.

On July 15, local time, according to the preliminary statistics released by the Carlos III Institute of Health in Spain in July, Between the 8th and the 10th, a total of 84 people died in Spain due to high temperature weather, and this number is expected to continue to increase in the next few days. In the capital Madrid, local residents said that this year’s heatwave appeared earlier than before, and they had to find various ways to escape the heat.

Residents of Madrid, Spain: I often go downstairs to the swimming pool for a swim, and the air conditioner is blowing when I am at home .

The high temperature, superimposed high energy prices and rising electricity bills make many Residents are overwhelmed. They hope that the Spanish government can take measures to ease the burden on the people.

Residents of Madrid, Spain: Shorten the time of turning on the air conditioner, and turn off the air conditioner when the room cools down.

Residents of Madrid, Spain: It went up so much.

About heat stroke, the authoritative answer from the National Health Commission is here!

Recently, high temperatures have continued in many parts of the country, many people have been diagnosed with heat stroke, and there have been fatal cases. On the 15th, the National Health and Medical Commission released authoritative answers to questions related to heat stroke.


What is hot StrokeHeat Stroke is the most severe form of heat-related emergency, known as severe heat stroke, and is caused by Exposure to high temperature and high humidity environment imbalance of body regulation, heat production is greater than heat dissipation, resulting in a rapid increase in core temperature, exceeding 40 ° C, accompanied by severe skin burning, disturbance of consciousness (such as delirium, convulsions, coma) and multiple organ dysfunction A fatal disease, the most serious type of heat stroke, Once it occurs, the mortality rate is extremely high.Depending on the cause of the disease and the susceptible population, Heat stroke can be divided into exertional heat stroke and non-exertional heat stroke (also known as classic heat stroke).

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Why heat stroke occursClimate factors of high temperature and humidity and high intensity Physical activity is the most important risk factor for heat stroke.Classical heat stroke is mainly caused by high temperature and/or high humidity environmental factors, usually without strenuous physical activity. Labor Type HS is mainly caused by the imbalance between heat production and heat dissipation caused by high-intensity physical activity.

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What are the common symptoms of heat strokeThe common symptoms of heat stroke are:1. Increased body temperature:< /strong>Elevated body temperature is the main feature of heat stroke. The core body temperature of the patients is mostly above 40°C. 2. Central nervous system symptoms: Central nervous system dysfunction is the main feature of heat stroke, and severe damage can occur in the early stage, manifested as : Delirium, drowsiness, seizures, coma, etc.; other abnormal manifestations of the nervous system may also occur, including bizarre behavior, hallucinations, opisthotonos, and tonicity. Some patients may have long-term central nervous system damage in the later stage, mainly manifested as inattention, memory loss, cognitive impairment, language impairment, ataxia, etc. 3. Other symptoms: Headache, nausea, red skin, increased skin temperature, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, muscle cramps or weakness.


What to do on-site first aid

4 strong>Heat stroke can be life-threatening, and while trying to cool the patient, others around you should help make an emergency call. 1. Move the patient to a cool place. 2. No matter what method is used, cool the patient quickly. Such as soaking the patient in cool water in a bathtub; placing the patient under a cool shower; spraying the patient with cool flower water; wiping the patient’s body with cool water; compressing the head with a cool wet towel or ice pack In dry weather, wrap the patient in a sheet or clothing soaked in cool water and blow hard with a fan. 3. The muscles of patients with heat stroke may involuntarily twitch. When this happens, avoid the patient harming themselves. Do not put anything in the patient’s mouth and do not attempt to give the patient water. If the patient vomits, turn the patient on their side to ensure that the airway is clear and avoid aspiration.


What needs immediate medical attention

5 strong>If the following conditions occur, you should seek medical attention in time: 1. The temperature continues to rise, even more than 40 ℃, should seek medical attention in time. 2. Headache: If persistent headache occurs in a high temperature environment or after heavy physical labor, you should seek medical attention in time. 3. Muscle spasm: In the high temperature environment or after heavy physical labor, the muscles of the whole body, especially the involuntary twitching of the muscles of the limbs, should be promptly seek medical attention. 4. Shallow and fast breathing: The breathing rate is accelerated, exceeding 20 breaths/min, and the inhalation and exhalation volume is small, so seek medical attention in time. 5. Nausea: If you feel like vomiting but can’t vomit, you should seek medical attention in time. Patients who find the following conditions should immediately go to the doctor or dial 120 for assistance:1. Comatose: Loss of consciousness, slow or no response to external stimuli; 2. Extreme weakness: feeling without any strength, almost moving 3. Confusion: Unable to accurately perceive people or things around you, such as not knowing where you are, and not knowing where other people are what to say; 4. Delirium: insanity, gibberish; 5. Epilepsy: Involuntary twitching of muscles throughout the body, without consciousness, and without any response to external stimuli.


How to Prevent Heat Stroke strong>The key to reducing the fatality rate of heat stroke lies in prevention. The most effective preventive measure is Avoid high temperature (high humidity) and unventilated environments, reduce and avoid risk factors for heat stroke, ensure adequate rest time, and avoid dehydration, thereby reducing the incidence of heat stroke and case fatality rate.

hot ྂ hot ྂ hot ྂ hot ྂ hot ྂ! Dog days are coming! “Stove” mode super long standby! Be vigilant →

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(Source: Comprehensive Xinhuanet, CCTV Finance and Economics) Website)

Editor in charge: Guo Chenxi Proofreading: Zhang Yu Producer: Zhang Yu

Editor : You Feifei Producer: Lin Yanxing Issued by: Yu Yaqin

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