How to scientifically escape the summer heat in dog days? Please keep this summer guide

[Source: Xuhui, Shanghai]

Introduced by the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the high temperature warnings issued in succession in recent days indicate that the hot dog days will soon be ushered in. How can we scientifically escape the summer? How should people with high risk of heat stroke, such as the elderly and infirm, pregnant women, manual workers, overtired people, and obese people, escape the heat? Learn these tips together.

Clothing: Light, breathable, light color

Light, breathable, light-colored clothing is definitely a top-notch summer outfit. In summer, feet are prone to perspiration. Choose sandals with good ventilation, sneakers with mesh holes, and cotton socks with good sweat absorption, which can reduce the sultry feeling.

Diet: eat more fruits and drink water frequently

The summer diet should be light and easy to digest, and supplement the necessary water, salt, calories, vitamins, protein, etc.

In hot weather, timely replenishment of water is the key to cooling down and relieving heat. We need to develop a good drinking habit, drink a small amount of water several times, and never wait until you are thirsty to drink water.

Watermelon with tender, sweet and juicy pulp, peaches with crisp and sweetness, lychees with tender, sweet and juicy pulp, and fresh vegetables and fruits such as crystal-filled grapes can also replenish water for the body.

Residence: reduce the room temperature by air conditioning

Travel: Outdoor Activities to Avoid the Hot Sun

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