Li Yu misses his captured younger brother and writes a sentimental piece, not a single word without worry

Li Yu was the last emperor of the Southern Tang Dynasty and a famous literary master in history. Although he was the emperor of the subjugated country, it is clear that people have a very high evaluation of him. The word emperor. Although he was very unlucky in real life, due to his literary achievements, he became a literary master admired by people. His poems are mournful and moving, and his writing is very sad. Every capital is full of infinite sorrow, especially his later works have written the helplessness of life, as well as the pain of grief.

The later Li Yu was imprisoned in the capital by Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin, which made him lose his freedom. His life was also threatened, although Zhao Kuangyin at that time was not good enough to harm him again and again, and he would guarantee his life safety. But when he passed away, after Zhao Guangyi succeeded to the throne, because he was worried about Li Yu, he found an excuse and finally killed him with a glass of poisonous wine.

Li Yu’s life was undoubtedly very tragic. It was precisely because he became the king of the subjugated country that he was in grief. Countless poignant and poignant works. However, the author wants to recommend an early work to everyone today, but it is also very sad, that is, this song “Qing Ping Le Don’t Come to Spring”. At that time, because his younger brother went to pay tribute to the Northern Song Dynasty, he was detained by Zhao Kuangyin. This matter made Li Yu very worried. Thus wrote such a sentimental piece.

“Qing Ping Le Don’t Come to Spring”

Five Dynasties: Li Yu


Don’t come to the spring half, it’s heartbreaking. The fallen plums are chaotic like snow, and the whole body is still full.

There is no evidence of the geese coming, and the dream of returning home is hard to come true. Away from hatred is like spring grass, going further and further to survive.

The pain of grief in Li Yu’s bones is actually innate, which is reflected in his early works, and when his younger brother was detained, he was even more disheartened. In the first “Qing Ping Le: Don’t Come to Spring”, he is missing his captured brother, creating a sense of poignancy at the beginning, which also makes the whole poem full of sadness, so that we can immediately feel it after reading it. Feel the pain of that grief.

The top film of the words expresses the pain of my longing, and my brother’s life. Worrying, since we parted, now that the spring has passed halfway, seeing the scenery in front of you will be heart-wrenching. The white plum blossoms that were blown by the wind in front of the steps were like snowflakes fluttering in the air. They danced in the air, and many plum blossoms fell on the clothes. After brushing them away, they fell all over again. These few sentences seem to be very ordinary, but each sentence is very sad. Although there is no sad word written, it is full of sadness.

The second part of the word is even more sad and infectious, although the geese have already returned , but did not bring any letters, the journey is long, but it is difficult to return home. This sadness of parting is like the weeds in spring, the farther it goes, the more lush it grows. The last two sentences directly express the heart and integrate the pain of longing in the heart and the sentimentality in the bones into the work, which makes the poem full of sorrow and makes us feel the helplessness of the poet. It is precisely because of He has been very worried about his brother being detained, so he wrote this poem to express his lovesickness.

Li Yu’s words are always full of sorrow, and they are written with great grief. A melancholy person, coupled with the lack of any news from his younger brother, made him very sad, so he wrote such a poem. He hoped that Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin could let his younger brother go home. He might let him go, but his thoughts about his younger brother made him very sad, so in this poem, he described that worry and sadness in a touching way. From Li Yu’s works, we can actually feel that kind of grief the most. He is obviously an emperor, and he is high, but he is surrounded by enemies on all sides, and he can’t even protect his younger brother. This is undoubtedly a blow to him.