The cumulative number of confirmed cases in Germany exceeds 16 million, the Minister of Health reminds us to be alert to the wave of epidemics in summer


(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) The cumulative number of confirmed cases in Germany exceeds 16 million, the Minister of Health reminds us to be alert to the wave of epidemics in summer

China News Agency, Berlin, March 8 (Reporter Ma Xiuxiu) The epidemic data released by the German CDC on the 8th showed that the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new coronavirus infection in the country as of that day has exceeded 16 million. Germany’s Federal Health Minister Lauterbach called on people to remain vigilant against the summer wave of epidemics.

The German disease control agency Robert Koch Institute announced on the 8th that the number of new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and the number of new deaths were 156,799 and 324, respectively. As of that day, Germany had a total of 16,026,216 confirmed cases and 124,450 deaths. The total number of patients requiring intensive care in the ICU increased by 54 that day to 2,156; at least 62.9 million people in the country have been fully vaccinated so far, accounting for about 75.6% of the country’s total population, and at least 47.8 million people have been vaccinated Strengthen the needle, accounting for 57.5% of the total population.

Germany’s new crown morbidity index (an average of seven-day cumulative new diagnoses per 100,000 people) used to monitor the severity of the epidemic has continued to rebound to 1293.6 for 6 consecutive days. The value was 1259.2 the day before and 1213.0 a week ago.

The vast majority of COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted on March 20 under the federal and state government’s “three-step” unblocking plan. Federal-level laws related to this will expire on the 19th. However, basic measures such as wearing masks indoors, on buses, on subways and requiring testing will likely remain in place. There will be new national laws on this.

German Federal Health Minister Lauterbach expressed concern about the continued increase in the number of infections. He said in Berlin on the 7th that there were increasing signs that the Omikron sub-variant BA.2 was more contagious than Omikron. He believed that the government’s negotiations on future new crown epidemic prevention requirements will be concluded in time and the revised infection protection law will be launched. “We must maintain the ability to act.”

Lautbach believes that it is necessary to continue to maintain protective measures after the 20th. “We must take into account the possibility of a new wave of epidemics in the summer.”

In addition, the German Foundation for the Protection of Patients also opposes the comprehensive relaxation of restrictive measures by the state. Eugen Brysch, a member of the foundation’s board of directors, said that not all protection measures should end at present, and the government must ensure that “infections cannot increase unchecked.” (End)

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