Nurse’s improved acupuncture storage box has won a utility model patent! What’s so good about it?

A portable clinical medical acupuncture storage box

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Acupuncture originated in the Stone Age of China, has a long history, and is also a unique treatment method in Chinese medicine hospitals. As a medical worker in a Chinese medicine hospital, the acupuncture box is a must-have treatment storage tool, but the storage and classification of acupuncture needles has become a headache for doctors.

At present, the updated acupuncture boxes still have shortcomings such as backward storage methods, inconvenient for clinicians to use, and reducing the efficiency of acupuncture treatment for patients. At the same time, it is very easy to cause cross-infection problems during use.

traditional method

Because the acupuncture treatment originated from the folk, the traditional iron lunch box is usually a combination of sterile acupuncture needles, Kaifeng acupuncture needles, dry cotton balls, and alcohol cotton balls. For the convenience of operation, ” The “lunch box” lid becomes the destination of the used acupuncture needles and cotton balls. This method leads to the direct exposure of sterile acupuncture needles in Kaifeng to the outside, and the dry and wet cotton balls cannot achieve the classification effect. This storage method is only suitable for traveling doctors, and is far from meeting the needs of hospitals and a large number of patients. Due to the rough recovery method of acupuncture needles after use, acupuncture needle stick injuries frequently occur in medical staff. “Iron lunch box with blood” is the “pet name” of medical staff for their helplessness.

In order to solve the problem of storage of acupuncture needles in the department, Jin Xin, head nurse of the Third Department of Encephalopathy Rehabilitation, Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Nurse Cao Shuang, spent their spare time on acupuncture and moxibustion. The box has been rectified. A portable clinical medical acupuncture storage box is invented.


Portable clinical medical acupuncture storage box, which includes a disposable sterile item storage box and a medical waste storage box. Two boxes with detachable link. A sterile acupuncture placement area, a sterile cotton ball placement area, and an alcohol cotton ball placement area are set in the disposable sterile item storage box. A waste acupuncture needle placement area and a waste cotton ball box placement area are set in the medical waste storage box. The rectified acupuncture storage box is more suitable for a standardized ward environment and large-scale treatment mode, which saves treatment time and protects the safety of patients and doctors in both directions. After clinical use, there is no case of acupuncture needle stick injuries, and the “Blood Iron Lunch Box” cleverly turned into a “portable protective box”

Advantages of acupuncture storage box span>

New and Unique

Difference Unlike traditional acupuncture boxes, this portable clinical medical acupuncture box has independent storage space for each item, which is clear, tidy and clear. Provide clinicians with more convenient treatment tools.

Safe and easy to use

< span>Place the items in a specific position, this design makes the acupuncture box cleaner, safer and more convenient to take.

Avoid cross infection

< span>This portable clinical medical acupuncture box distinguishes a disposable sterile item storage box from a medical waste storage box, which greatly reduces the risk of cross infection.

Occupational protection for clinicians

This acupuncture storage box is equipped with a medical waste storage box, in which the contaminated acupuncture needles and contaminated cotton balls are classified, and it is detachably linked with the sterile item storage box, which can achieve the purpose of preventing needle stick injuries. .

Source: Chinese Nursing Management

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