Vaginitis always recurs, is it related to her husband?

There are always some “gossips” about vaginitis: Those unclean women will get vaginitis! The little girl won’t get vaginitis! No pain, no itching, no treatment at all, just buy some lotion and wash it. You can stop taking medicine when the symptoms disappear. ……Actually, this is not the case. Today we will talk about those things about vaginitis. 01< strong data-brushtype="text">Can you not get vaginitis without sex? Vaginitis is indeed related to unclean sex, but not having sex doesn’t mean you won’t get vaginitis, and having vaginitis doesn’t mean you don’t have vaginitis Do something wrong, let alone a sexually transmitted disease. To put it bluntly, the vaginal flora is disordered. Under normal circumstances, there are many kinds of bacteria in the vagina of women, and the body can be healthy only when all kinds of bacteria are kept in balance. However, when the vaginal microenvironment is destroyed and the body’s resistance is reduced, it may cause vaginitis. Vaginitis is one of the most common reproductive tract infections in gynecology, and every woman will deal with it in her lifetime. Its repeated attacks and persistent delays seriously affect women’s life and work, making women “miserable”. Vaginitis occurs in women at every stage, and vaginitis also occurs in the elderly and infants, with the highest incidence in women of childbearing age. The common vaginal inflammations in women of childbearing age are trichomonas vaginitis, bacterial vaginitis, vulvovaginal candidiasis, etc.; atrophic vaginitis is prone to occur after menopause. 02< strong data-brushtype="text">Who do vaginitis likeWhen women have low immunity, frequent sexual intercourse, unclean sexual intercourse, use of inappropriate hygiene products, hygiene Bad habits, high stress in life, irregular diet, repeated vaginal washing and other bad habits will lead to changes in the acidic environment in the vagina, providing a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi to grow, which will lead to vaginal changes. occurrence of inflammation. 03< strong data-brushtype="text" hm_fix="335:600">What are the symptoms of vaginitis01simple vaginal discharge< span>02Vaginal secretions have abnormal color and smell, such as yellowish or even yellow-green color, bean curd residue, and special fishy odor. 03Vaginal itching, burning, tingling. 04Pain during intercourse, urgency to urinate, etc. To deal with vaginitis, you have to do thisthat is: ask the doctor! Many times, some women do not correctly judge whether they are infected with vaginitis, so they choose to let it go, and often miss the best time to ask a doctor. Let me tell you, when you experience any symptoms, you need to ask your doctor. It can be judged from the following 3 aspects:01 abnormal discharge

  • abnormal discharge color , yellow-green, purulent, dark yellow;
  • The secretion is bean curd-like, white lump or pus-like, foam-like and may be accompanied by blood;
  • span>
  • The secretions are smelly, rotten eggs or fishy.

02 DiscomfortIt is mainly vulvar or vaginal itching, pain, and even redness and swelling or frequent urination, urgency, and dysuria. 03OtherIf there is growth on the vulva, pain or bleeding, peeling, rough, whitish skin on the vulva, pain during intercourse, fever in the lower abdomencase, also beware of vaginitis. When you experience any of the above 3 symptoms, be sure to ask your doctor.

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