Heatstroke is going to pinch people? Blow the air conditioner all night to meet the face paralysis?

The continuous high temperature in many parts of the country affects 900 million people. How to spend this summer? I will send you 30 misunderstanding tips, which are recommended to be collected and forwarded to the people you care about.

1. Eating bitterness in summer is better than supplementing?

Real: There is no nutritional basis for bitter health care, and some bitter foods should be vigilant and be careful of poisoning.

2. Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, without a doctor’s prescription?

Real: There is no scientific basis for the claim of eating ginger for health in summer, and no special supplement is required.

3. Do you have to sweat through the dog days of summer training?

Real: sweating is not a criterion for good or bad exercise. Exercising under the sun on dog days can easily dehydrate and heatstroke.

4. Can the dog-fu sticker be used to cure winter diseases in summer?

Really: Aside from the potential for burns, dog patch has a lack of solid evidence of its effectiveness.

5. Can drinking hot water in dog days “force the cold”?

Real: Working in a high temperature environment, it is recommended to drink 2~4 glasses of cold water per hour, the water temperature should not be too high, a small amount of times.

6. Is it because of kidney deficiency that you like to sweat in summer?

Really: sweating in summer has nothing to do with the kidneys, and the culprit may be “hyperhidrosis”.

7. The better the physique, the more prone to heat stroke?

True: Almost everyone is at risk for heat stroke, even those who are fit. The frail people who stay at home for a long time are the main force of heat stroke.

8. Do you want to pinch someone in a coma from heat stroke?

Really: pinch people have no first aid effect, but may lead to shortness of breath.

9. Is Huoxiangzhengqi water a “magic medicine for heat stroke”?

Really: Huoxiangzhengqi water contains alcohol, which may aggravate dehydration and make the damage of heatstroke worse.

10. Will drinking ice water in summer cause kidney deficiency?

Really: ice water entering the stomach has nothing to do with the kidneys, except for possible irritation.

11. Can’t drink ice water after exercise?

Really: You can drink ice water after exercise, but you should consider your personal habits. People who can’t stand ice water can also choose warm water.

12. If you drink cold water suddenly in hot weather, the capillaries will burst Lose?

Really: the ice water in the mouth is close to body temperature when it reaches the stomach and intestines, and it is even less likely to be cold when it enters the blood vessels.

13. Is taking a cold shower easy for myocardial infarction?

Really: “Taking a cold shower” and “myocardial infarction” have no direct causal relationship. Healthy people take cold showers step by step, and the risk is not high.

14. People who swim after meals are more likely to drown?

True: Swimming after a meal was not associated with an increased risk of drowning. However, if alcohol is ingested, swimming immediately is not recommended.

15. Can “handstand water control” be first aid after drowning?

Real: Cardiac arrest after drowning, racing against time to CPR is the key. Handstand water control is a useless and harmful method.

16. Will watermelon and peaches be poisoned when eaten together?

Truly: Unless it’s bad watermelon and peaches, if the two foods are fine on their own, they’ll be fine if they are eaten together.

17. Can’t eat watermelon overnight?

Real: If the cutting board is clean, the cut watermelon should be wrapped in plastic wrap and placed in the refrigerator in time, even if it is left overnight.

18. Is watermelon red and sweet by injection?

Really: No matter what the injection, it will not make the watermelon turn red and sweet. Conversely, injected watermelons are more prone to spoilage.

19. Did the seedless watermelon take birth control pills?

Real: Seedless watermelon is a hybridThe method of obtaining seedless fruit has nothing to do with contraceptives.

20. Is it toxic to freeze ice cream after melting?

Real: Ice cream thawed and then frozen only physically changes and does not produce toxins.

21. The harder the ice cream is to melt, the more additives?

Real: The harder the ice cream melts, the more additives it doesn’t mean. The rational use of food additives in accordance with regulations is safe.

22. Is there any difference between umbrellas and ordinary umbrellas?

Real: Generally, umbrellas mainly choose waterproof coatings, and sunscreen umbrellas use coatings with ultraviolet shielding functions such as silver glue.

23. Will you not get sunburned after applying sunscreen?

True: tanning depends on how the sunscreen is applied. Be willing to use it, and apply it evenly, leaving no inch of bare skin.

24. Can medical masks protect against ultraviolet rays?

Really: no matter what kind of mask has a certain sunscreen effect, but the main raw materials of medical masks are not resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

25. Face paralysis after blowing the air conditioner overnight?

Real: Although facial paralysis is a common disease, its cause is still unknown. Current evidence does not support air conditioners or fans blowing out facial paralysis.

26. Is it more energy efficient to turn on the air conditioner for a while and turn it off for a while?

True: Frequent switching on and off of the air conditioner consumes more electricity. Although the air conditioner does not consume energy when it is not working, the energy consumption during the startup phase is high.

27. Type O blood attracts more mosquitoes?

Real: There is no clear conclusion on the relationship between blood type and mosquitoes. Blood type is not what mosquitoes care about, but body odor is what mosquitoes pursue.

28. The bigger the mosquito bag, the stronger the mosquito toxicity?

True: The size of mosquito packs varies from person to person and has nothing to do with mosquito toxicity. Mosquito bites are more prone to swelling.

29. A plate of mosquito coils is equal to six cigarettes?

Real: Most of the active ingredients of mosquito coils are pyrethroid insecticides, which have low toxicity to humans, less residue, and good mosquito repellent effect.

30. Is spraying mosquito repellent toilet water the same as spraying pesticides?

Really: As long as adults do not eat toilet water by mistake, there is no need to worry during use. Children should pay attention to the concentration and frequency of use.

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