Dr. Hanmen passed away after “zero-risk” surgery. He wrote a novel and earned 130,000 yuan. Does zero-risk surgery exist?

Obviously it was a “zero-risk” operation, but the patient died suddenly after the operation? Such a thing actually happened.

01, performed “zero-risk” surgery before school, but passed away

26 years old Yang Chaoyu, a doctoral student, rushed back to his hometown in Shanxi from Xi’an, and planned to have chronic rhinitis surgery before the start of the school year. Previously, Yang Chaoyu had an examination at the Shaanxi Provincial People’s Hospital and was diagnosed with a deviated nasal septum. But because I didn’t have time, I didn’t have the surgery.

Due to the rush of the trip, Yang Chaoyu’s father took Yang Chaoyu to the Second People’s Hospital of Jinzhong City the next day after returning home. After examination, Yang Chaoyu was diagnosed with nasal septum deviation, chronic Rhinitis requires surgery.

From the hospital’s surgical risk assessment form,this is just a minor surgery with a NNIS grade of 0 strong>. All preoperative examinations were normal, and there were no obvious contraindications to surgery. After the examination, Yang Chaoyu went home and did not return to the hospital again until the day of the operation.

The operation was quick and completed in less than half an hour. Yang Chaoyu’s father recalled that after the operation, his son was in good condition.

However, in the early morning of the first day after the operation, Yang Chaoyu developed symptoms of weakness and difficulty breathing. After eating, the body was relatively weak, and then a nurse was arranged to inject glucose into Yang Chaoyu.

Unexpectedly, a few hours later, Yang Chaoyu’s condition became more serious, and the hospital issued a critical illness notice. In the end, Yang Chaoyu died of hypokalemia due to ineffective rescue.

02, professional first, I plan to get married next year

A “zero-risk” minor operation took his son’s life, which Yang Chaoyu’s father could not accept no matter what. Yang Chaoyu’s grandmother also fell ill after learning the news of her grandson’s death.

In 1992, Yang Chaoyu was born in Nanzheng Township, Pingyao, Shanxi Province. When I was young, my parents worked outside, and I lived with my grandmother in my hometown. In elementary school, junior high school, and high school, Yang Chaoyu’s grades were mediocre, and he only got into one second-level college.

After going to college, Yang Chaoyu seemed to be a different person. He studied hard and got the first grade in his major after graduating from college. graduate student of the Institute of Chinese Ideology and Culture of Northwestern University, and later admitted to the Ph.D.

At the reading meeting, Yang Chaoyu met Han Yiwei. Because of the same hobbies, the two quickly got together and planned to get married. Yang Chaoyu always wanted to reduce the burden on his family, but he didn’t want to give up his studies.

Introduced by a friend, Yang Chaoyu began to write novels on the website, with 3 million code words a year and a profit of 130,000 yuan.

It is such a diligent and diligent young man who had a bright future, but died of a minor operation.

1. Does “zero-risk” surgery really exist?

In this regard, many doctors said that “zero-risk” surgery is completely nonsense.

First, let’s understand what NNIS is.

In the international medical quality index system, according to the surgical risk grading standard (NNIS) in the “Hospital Infection Surveillance Manual” in the United States, surgery can be divided into the following four levels, respectively. Yes: NNIS0, NNIS1, NNIS2 and NNIS3.

grading criteria, according to the degree of cleanliness of the surgical incision, the grade of anesthesia and the duration of the operation< span>. In Yang Chaoyu’s incident, his surgical risk assessment was shown as NNIS 0, which is “zero risk” reported by the media.

However, Shanghai urologist Wang Hua said that surgical risk assessment and postoperative complications are not the same thing. Even if the risk of surgery is low and the process is smooth, it does not mean that there will be no complications after surgery, leading to unexpected occurrences.

Therefore, the media actually misunderstood the meaning of NNIS0 level, what it really means is “The risk of postoperative incision infection in patients Lower“, that is, not equal to “zero risk.”

According to the analysis of more than 10,000 surgical patients by Shihezi University School of Medicine in my country, the incidence of postoperative infection was 1.77% in patients with NNIS grade 0.

Second, why some patients died after successful surgery?

Therefore, there are risks both before and after surgery, and sometimes even if the surgery is successful, many patients die soon after.

Netizens once shared the story of two relatives beside them who passed away not long after the operation was successful.

Why do people die soon after cancer surgery is successful? First, the success of cancer surgery depends on 3 points.

First, whether complete primary tumor resectiontumor to breast cancer For example, a tumor cannot be removed in pieces, which may cause it to fall off and spread the cancer.

Second, whether to remove lymph nodes, lymph nodes are breast cancer, gastric cancer and other cancers It is one of the important ways of metastasis, so in addition to removing the primary tumor, it is also necessary to remove the nearby lymph nodes to reduce the risk of cancer metastasis.

Third, Whether the margin is negative and there is a margin of sufficient distance, Cancer cells are not static and may be lurking at the resection margin. If the negative resection margin and sufficient margin distance cannot be guaranteed when the tumor is removed, it is very likely that the tumor will not be removed cleanly and the recurrence will be accelerated.

In addition, even if the cancer clinical operation is successful, it does not mean the cancer is cured. Because cancer patients have poor physical condition and low immunity, even if the tumor has been removed from the body, it does not rule out the possibility that other cells have lesions.

In addition, the possibility of infection in cancer surgery is relatively high, and infection may occur during and after surgery, resulting in aggravation of the disease. Therefore, even if the operation is successful, it does not mean a successful cure, and there is still the possibility of recurrence.

III. Diet is very important for recovery after cancer surgery

Huang Rui, professor of colorectal tumor surgery at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, said that some patients He passed away soon after the operation. One of the important factors is whether the postoperative rehabilitation is scientific and how much attention is paid to it, and diet is a key step.

So, for patients, what should they eat after surgery so that they can recover faster and better?

1. A few days after surgery

3-4 days after surgery, usually Fasting, nutrients are given by intravenous infusion. If your mouth feels dry, you can moisten a cotton swab and apply it to your lips to avoid dehydration. You can also eat some liquid food, such as rice soup, vegetable juice, etc., but do not eat too much at one time, and divide it into 6-8 times a day.

2. One week after surgery< /p>

One week after the operation, you can eat a small amount of easily digestible food, such as noodles, boiled eggs, mashed meat, etc., but still need to eat small and frequent meals. If you feel unwell after eating, report to the doctor in time.

3. Two weeks after surgery

Two weeks after surgery, the diet can be resumed It’s normal, but don’t eat and drink all at once, and make a gradual transition. Your daily diet is mainly based on easy-to-digest foods, and you should closely observe your digestion after meals.

4. Convalescence

Nutrition during convalescence is very important, and scientific knowledge should be mastered. The principle of diet, one should be refined, the other should be complete, as far as possible to ensure that the variety of food is rich and has sufficient nutrition.

Finally, I would like to remind you that it is very important to avoid eating after surgery, for the recovery of the wound and the condition plays a key role. It is recommended to avoid eating spicy, greasy, cold, rough food after surgery, and also to quit smoking and drinking, and avoid overeating.

Eat more low-fat, low-cholesterol, high-quality protein foods, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits Eat in moderation. Excessive diet after surgery must be done gradually, and it is not advisable to act too hastily, so as not to backfire and affect the recovery of the body.

Therefore, any operation has risks. As for us, to reduce the risk of surgery, we must follow the doctor’s guidance and do a good job of preoperative and postoperative care. Prepare and care for work and take responsibility for your own body and life!


[1] “26-year-old Dr. Surgery After passing away, he once wrote online novels to earn 130,000 yuan, and is ready to get married next year”. Red Star News. 2019-09-05

[2] “The 27-year-old doctor died 8 hours after the operation, and the nasal septum was deviated to the end. Are there any risks? “. Tencent Medical Code. 2019-09-04

[3] “Cancer surgery is successful, does it mean that the cancer is completely cured? Don’t be too happy”. Family Doctor Online. 2018-01-20

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