Leshan Lai: Zigong not only has a lantern festival, but also “cultivates” the eyes and “repairs” the heart!


Yang Hongyi Sichuan Online Reporter Wen Mingquan

On March 8, Chuanguan News reporter learned from Zigong No. Lai’s heart has been “repaired”, and she will leave for Leshan today.

Lai’s path to seeking medical treatment was somewhat tortuous. Not long ago, she underwent coronary angiography in Leshan, which showed that the circumflex artery stenosis was about 90%. The situation is critical and cannot be delayed any longer.

For some reason, she gave up seeking medical treatment locally, and after being introduced by a friend, she resolutely chose Zigong First People’s Hospital for cardiovascular disease. Internal Medicine.

He Junhua, the chief physician of the Cardiovascular Department of the hospital, and the attending physician He Junhua, together with the master and the apprentice, performed the operation for Lai.

“The operation was a success.” Cao Wenzhai said, “Lai has recovered well, and her chest is no longer painful, so she can go back. Leshan enjoys family happiness.

Not only Lai Lai, but also 76-year-old Grandpa Jin came here. The Cardiology Department successfully completed a case of coronary intervention after TA-TAVR (transapical approach and transcatheter aortic valve replacement). In the face of complex coronary lesions, the cardiology team chose to successfully challenge themselves again.

73-year-old Grandpa Jin underwent TA-TAVR (transapical approach and transcatheter aortic valve replacement) at West China Hospital 2 years ago. For more than a month, Grandpa Jin had no obvious cause and repeated epigastric symptoms. Pain that subsided for a few minutes each time.

For this reason, he visited many hospitals in and outside the city many times. , completed the gastroscopy and suggested duodenal ulcer, and he was given corresponding drug treatment, but he still felt that the symptoms of repeated epigastric pain did not improve significantly.

So, on February 3, 2022, Grandpa Jin He went to the Gastroenterology Department of the hospital for treatment, and completed chest CT examination, which showed calcification in the thoracic aorta and coronary artery.

After consultation with Jiang Yi, deputy director of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, the patient was advised to improve coronary CTA and chest main artery. Arterial CTA, prompt: no dissection and hematoma in the aorta, coronary artery: anterior descending branch Moderate-severe stenosis, moderate circumflex stenosis, combined with the electrocardiogram report of Grandpa Jin (ST segment depression in inferior leads about 0.1mv, placement of T-waveguides in chest leads), it is considered that the patient may indeed have severe coronary disease.

After Grandpa Jin was transferred to the Department of Cardiology, after repeated discussions with the Director of Cardiology Department Cao Wenzhai, Deputy Director Jiang Yi and the interventional team of the department, it was decided that the patient should first complete the coronary angiography examination. Diffuse long lesions in the proximal and middle segments of the branch, the most severe stenosis is 80%, and the distal segment of the circumflex branch is subtotal occlusion. Angiography confirmed the suspicion (severe coronary disease).

After fully communicating with Grandpa Jin and his family about the condition and explaining the risks of the operation, the cardiovascular medical team did a full preoperative evaluation, ruled out surgical contraindications such as gastrointestinal bleeding, and planned the operation. strategy to successfully complete coronary intervention for patients.

Coronary interventional therapy technology has been completed more than 2,000 units per year since it was launched in the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine. The technology of coronary stent implantation is very mature. There is an implanted artificial valve at the root of the artery, and the metal steel beam of the implanted valve partially blocks the opening of the coronary artery, which brings great difficulty to the intraoperative Guiding in place and the delivery and withdrawal of the instrument. In addition, the valve and steel beam of the patient’s implanted valve must not be damaged during the operation.

Under the guidance of Prof. Huaxi Wang Mian, the interventional team led by Cao Wenzhai made concerted efforts and performed precise and refined operations to successfully complete this difficult interventional operation, implanting the anterior descending branch and circumflex branch respectively. 1 stent to achieve revascularization, allowing Grandpa Jin’s heart to regain sufficient blood supply, and the aortic replacement valve is also intact.

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