【Knowledge】You may not have enough vitamin D in your body, so hurry up and replenish it


After a long winter, people who live in a hurry in the city rarely have the opportunity to bathe in the sun. In addition, in a society that regards white as beauty and talks about tanning, many people are sunshade and sunscreen every day, for fear of sun exposure to a little sunlight. As everyone knows, vitamin D in our body is mainly synthesized by sunlight, and many people are deficient or even severely deficient in vitamin D. The vitamin D deficiency rate among adults in my country is as high as 80.3%, which means that 80 out of 100 adults are vitamin D deficient.

What is vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, and the most important forms are vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. Vitamin D2 is present in plants in relatively small amounts. Vitamin D3 is converted from 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin after being exposed to ultraviolet rays in the sun. Vitamin D is difficult to supplement from food. Eighty percent of the vitamin D that our body needs is synthesized through the skin, so sun exposure is the best way to supplement vitamin D.

Will vitamin D deficiency have any adverse effects?

Vitamin D is very important to the human body. In addition to helping the body absorb calcium, it can also improve immunity, prevent diabetes and cardiovascular disease, anti-tumor, improve lung function, and brain development. Mental illness is also involved. Lack of vitamin D can cause many adverse effects on the body, such as bone pain, osteoporosis, rickets, sweating, fatigue, depression, low immunity, infertility, miscarriage, etc. If you have the above conditions for a long time, it is very likely to be related to vitamin D deficiency. Going to the hospital to check for 25-hydroxyvitamin D is the gold standard for diagnosis.

What are the ways to supplement vitamin D? Is it okay to just sunbathe in the sun?

Sun exposure is the easiest and most direct way to supplement vitamin D, and the duration of exposure to the sun can range from twenty to twenty-five minutes at a time. Sunning through glass is useless because glass blocks the UV rays needed to synthesize vitamin D. Spring is blooming, let’s go outside for a walk, bask in the sun, and breathe fresh air. Just a little sun exposure on the face and arms is enough to produce adequate levels of vitamin D.

If you don’t have time to enjoy the outdoors, you can also take a vitamin D supplement:< /p>

The average adult can supplement 600~800IU (international units) of vitamin D per day, with a maximum of 4000IU. If you already have vitamin D insufficiency, you can supplement up to 2,000 IU per day, up to a maximum of 10,000 IU. Taking vitamin D supplements is a relatively slow process that requires long-term adherence.

Finally remind everyone that excessive vitamin D supplementation can also lead to poisoning, such as increased blood calcium concentration, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, kidney stones, etc. Therefore, if you take vitamin D supplements, it is best to go to the hospital for professional consultation, and regularly monitor the concentration of vitamin D in the blood to prevent overdose.

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