Daily focus on six aspects, diligent maintenance of hearing


Hearing is one of the main sensory functions of human beings. As the saying goes, “one deaf and three are idiots”, which shows the importance of hearing to human beings. Chinese medicine pays attention to the treatment of disease before it occurs, that is, before the disease occurs in the human body, preventive work is done to prevent the occurrence of disease. Here are a few tips for taking care of your ears every day.

Avoid noise damage to your ears. Prolonged exposure to various noises such as the roar of machines and the noise of vehicles can easily cause hearing fatigue, lead to hearing loss, and even cause noise-induced deafness. Therefore, noise interference should be avoided as much as possible in peacetime. If it is unavoidable, professional noise protection tools should be selected.

Get rid of the habit of picking your ears. Some people often use ear spoons, cotton swabs and other slender hard objects to dig their ears, which can easily bruise the ear canal and cause infection, and may even damage the tympanic membrane, resulting in serious consequences. If you always feel itchy ears unbearable, it is recommended to go to the ENT doctor in time.

Use the headset correctly. When using headphones, the volume should not exceed 80 decibels, and the use time should not be too long. If you need to use the earphones for a long time, it is best to choose a product with better quality, and you can take off the earphones and rest for a while every half an hour. Using headphones is more ear-friendly than in-ear headphones.

Use with caution. Ototoxic drugs such as gentamicin, streptomycin, kanamycin, and neomycin should be avoided as much as possible. Improper application of these drugs can easily damage hearing and even lead to deafness.

In a good mood. Chinese medicine believes that if you are suddenly in a state of anger and impatience, and your emotions are too extreme, the liver will lose its stagnation, and the depression will turn into fire. Therefore, try to keep yourself in a relaxed and happy mood. In daily life, we must learn to adjust the rhythm appropriately, pay attention to rest, and combine work and rest.

Diet management. Chinese medicine believes that the kidneys open to the ears, and hearing loss is closely related to kidney deficiency. The elderly and infirm can take some kidney-invigorating drugs under the guidance of a doctor, and they can also drink walnut porridge, sesame porridge, peanut porridge, pig kidney porridge, etc., which are beneficial to protect hearing.

It is important to note that many people may have mild symptoms that can easily go unnoticed before they experience severe hearing loss. Some tinnitus patients may not be accompanied by hearing loss in the initial stage, but the function of inner ear hair cells has declined at this time, so treatment should be performed as soon as possible to avoid further development of the disease. Clinical findings show that the effective rate of tinnitus patients with a course of less than 3 months is significantly higher than that of patients with a course of more than 3 months. Experts remind that people who have been exposed to various noise environments for a long time should pay more attention to their hearing conditions and conduct hearing examinations at least once a year.

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